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  • 2015 King Salmon bag limits announced for Blind Slough

    Jun 4, 2015

    ADF&G, Division of Sport Fish recently announced the bag and possession limit of king salmon in the Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough Terminal Harvest Area, effective June 1- July 31, 2015. King salmon bag and possession limits for residents and nonresidents: 28 inches or greater - 2 fish. Less than 28 inches - 2 fish. Nonresident annual limits: King salmon caught by nonresident anglers in the terminal harvest area do not count toward the 2015 nonresident annual limit. The Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough terminal harvest area is described as: that...

  • Fish Factor: State budget failure means layoffs for Alaska's salmon managers this summer

    Laine Welch|Jun 4, 2015

    Alaska’s salmon industry is ready to get corked by the inability of state lawmakers to pass a budget. More than 20,000 state workers are bracing for 30 day layoff notices, meaning they’ll be off the job when the new fiscal year starts on July 1. The timing couldn’t be worse for Alaska’s salmon managers who are nearing the peak of a season that could set new records. “There is some budget, about 27 percent of our normal amount for us to work in the field, and do our management responsibilities. But how we proceed from July 1 is what we’re wor...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|May 28, 2015

    Alaskans will have to wait until fall to learn if salmon habitat prevails over a coal mine proposed at Upper Cook Inlet. A decision due earlier this month by the state Department of Natural Resources has been delayed until after a public hearing later this summer, said Ed Fogels, DNR Deputy Commissioner. At issue is competing water rights claims filed in 2009 by the Chuitna Citizens Coalition and PacRim Coal of Delaware and Texas. The Coalition wants to protect spawning tributaries of the salmon-rich Chuitna River, dubbed the Kenai of the West...

  • From supplements to textiles, creative uses for seafood byproduct on the rise

    Dan Rudy|May 28, 2015

    Public and private groups are looking at new ways to enhance the value of Alaska's seafood industry. The multibillion-dollar sector is of significant importance to the state's economy, and Southeast is among its largest harvesters of fish and shellfish. In 2013, Southeast fishermen brought in a record catch of 479 million pounds, worth $375 million. This was a 79-percent increase over the previous year, according to the 2014 By the Numbers report produced by Rain Coast Data for the Southeast...

  • Fish Factor: Fishery managers deciding to cut halibut bycatch by 50 percent

    Laine Welch|May 21, 2015

    Nowhere in the world do people have as much opportunity to speak their minds to fish policy makers as they do in Alaska. As decision day approaches, a groundswell of Alaska voices is demanding that fishery overseers say bye-bye to halibut bycatch in the Bering Sea. They are speaking out against the more than six million pounds of halibut that are dumped overboard each year as bycatch in trawl fisheries that target flounders, rockfish, perch, mackerel and other groundfish (not pollock). The bycatch levels, which are set by the North Pacific...

  • Keep an eye out for unusual dolphin and porpoise sightings

    Dani Palmer|May 21, 2015

    If you spend lots of time out on the water, you may, sooner than later, be seeing dolphins and porpoises you wouldn’t normally see this far north. Marine Mammal Specialist Kate Wynne, with the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, went over common and upcoming cetacean species in Southeast Alaskan waters during the Petersburg Science Series Tuesday evening at the Public Library, speaking to a crowd of about 15. “Things are changing so much out in the ocean that I want to get you alerted to the fact that there are these other species tha...

  • Tourism season begins

    May 14, 2015

  • Fish Factor Study looks at health issues common in commercial fishing industry

    Laine Welch|May 14, 2015

    How much are fishermen affected by long term health problems like hearing loss, lack of sleep and high blood pressure? A pilot study aims to find out and researchers are using the 500-plus members of the Copper River salmon driftnet fleet as test subjects. “The Copper River fishing season lasts five months and most of the fleet is very digitally connected so it seemed a great fit,” said Torie Baker, a Sea Grant Marine Advisory Agent in Cordova. Baker is the point person for the project being done by the School of Public Health at the Uni...

  • Fin fun

    May 14, 2015

  • Salmon producers scoff at claim that more pinks means fewer sockeye

    Laine Welch|May 7, 2015

    Alaskan salmon producers are not buying the presumption that growing numbers of pinks are eating too much food in the ocean, causing sockeye salmon to grow slower and smaller. That’s the claim of a new study by Seattle and British Columbia researchers, who say the race for food ultimately affects sockeye abundance and survival. “Our data sets extend up to 55 years each. In terms of looking at productivity or survival of salmon, they’ve included 36 sockeye populations,” said Greg Ruggerone, a researcher at Natural Resources Consultants in Seat...

  • SE Alaska King Salmon sport fishing regs announced

    May 7, 2015

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces the 2015 sport fishing regulations for king salmon in SE Alaska and Yakutat effective 12:01 a.m. Friday, May 1, 2015 – 11:59 p.m. Sunday, May 1, 2016: Alaska Resident: the resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length. Nonresident: The nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length, except during May and June, during which the bag and possession limit is two king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length; the nonreside...

  • King Salmon sport fishing regulations liberalized

    Apr 30, 2015

    Sport fishing regulations for king salmon will be liberalized in marine waters of District 8 near Petersburg and Wrangell according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The following sport fishing regulations for the marine waters of District 8 will be in effect as of 12:01 A.M. Friday, May 1, 2015 - 11:59 P.M. Wednesday, July 15, 2015: Sport fishing for king salmon may be conducted with the use of 2 rods per angler with no more than six lines fished from a vessel. Resident anglers will have a bag limit of three king salmon 28 inches or...

  • Fish Factor: Wild brood hatchery salmon account for a third of state's total salmon harvest

    Laine Welch|Apr 30, 2015

    Each year more than one third of all the salmon caught in Alaska begin their lives in a hatchery. There are 31 hatchery facilities in Alaska: 15 privately owned, 11 state owned, two federal research facilities, one tribal hatchery at Metlakatla, and 2 state owned sport fish hatcheries. Alaska’s hatchery program is very different from fish farming, where salmon are crammed tightly into net pens until they’re ready for market. All salmon born in Alaska’s hatcheries come from wild brood stock, and are released as fingerlings to the sea. When...

  • Fish Factor: The latest rumors about Icicle Seafood sale

    Laine Welch|Apr 23, 2015

    Of all the global fish news sites, London-based Undercur-rent News has risen to the top when it comes to scoops on sales of Alaska seafood companies. The latest - Icicle Seafood owners Paine and Partners of San Francisco are having a tough go selling their wild salmon assets in the face of a tight market and another big wild harvest on the horizon. Icicle produces fresh, frozen and canned salmon at plants in Petersburg, Seward, Egegik/Bristol Bay, Larsen Bay/Kodiak Island; and near Dillingham. “Final bids are in and news on if Icicle will be b...

  • Fish Factor: Bill proposes to allow subsistence harvests to be donated to schools, hospitals for resale

    Laine Welch|Apr 16, 2015

    Caribou instead of corn dogs…salmon instead of Trout Treasures… seal meat in place of spaghetti – all could soon be available to more Alaskans if traction continues on a new bipartisan bill before the Alaska legislature. The bill - HB 179 - allows schools, senior centers, hospitals, child care centers and other facilities to accept and serve fish, game, plants and eggs that are donated by subsistence and sport users. Currently, well-meaning state laws intended to prevent the commercial sale of wild game make the practice illegal if a progr...

  • Fish Factor, Bumper year means salmon will be harder to sell

    Laine Welch|Apr 9, 2015

    File this fish story under the “can there be too much of a good thing” category. Alaska is expecting another bumper run of salmon this year– state managers announced last Friday a projected total catch of 221 million salmon, 39 percent higher than last year. (The numbers for Chinook salmon are still being calculated,) Regional catch projections for this summer are up across the board, according to Runs and Harvest Projections for Alaska’s 2015 Salmon Fisheries and Review of the 2014 season by the AK Dept. of Fish and Game. Driving the numbers...

  • Sitka sac roe herring fishery wraps up its season

    Dani Palmer|Apr 2, 2015

    The Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery closed last week after a quiet, steady week of fishing. The guideline harvest of 8,712 tons was reached by 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25. The fishery first opened for a few hours on March 18 at 3 p.m., after being put on a two-hour notice at 10 a.m. “It was pretty much open daily until the following Wednesday,” Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Dave Gordon said. The 48 permit holders voted to fish cooperatively this year with a poor sac roe herring market. Gordon said there were around 25 sei...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Apr 2, 2015

    Volunteers are needed to help craft new safety rules that are being written for older boats – which includes the bulk of Alaska’s fishing vessels. Called the Alternate Compliance Safety Program (ACSP), it is part of the 2010 US Coast Guard Authorization Act and is aimed atvessels that will be 25 years old by 2020, are greater than 50 feet in length, and operate beyond three nautical miles. The program will include most of Alaska’s fishing fleet — a 2014 maritime study by the Juneau-based McDowell Group shows that the majority of Alaska...

  • Fish Factor: Personal use prioritization gains momentum

    Laine Welch|Mar 26, 2015

    Seven times is the charm for building some momentum on a measure that aims to give personal use (PU) fisheries a priority over commercial and sport users. As it stands now, the three fisheries all are on equal footing in the eyes and actions of state managers. The priority shift has been introduced during each of the last seven legislative sessions by (now) Senator Bill Stoltze (R-Chugiak), but has never made it past a first hearing – until now. “It only took Sen. Stoltze, the bill sponsor, chairing the hearing committee himself,” quipp...

  • Tanner Crab fishery sees its largest harvest in over a decade Prices, however, drop

    Dani Palmer|Mar 19, 2015

    This year’s Tanner crab season saw its largest harvest in 15 years while prices dropped. Preliminary estimates show the 2014-15 Tanner fishery in Registration Area A (Southeast Alaska) is 1.42 million pounds with 84 permit holders, according to Alaska Department of Fish and Game Lead Crab Biologist Joe Stratman. “This harvest exceeded last season’s harvest by 170,000 pounds, and is the largest Tanner harvest in 15 seasons,” he said. “You have to go back to the 1999-2000 season to find a larger harvest of Tanner crab in Southeast Alaska.... Full story

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Mar 19, 2015

    Print your licenses at home and go fishing. The Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game’s revamped Online Store is the go to place for all fishing (and hunting) licenses and it now offers two new features. “Fishermen, both sport and commercial, can now print their licenses at home. They can purchase it online, immediately print it and go out fishing,” said Michelle Kaelke, Financing and Licensing Supervisor for the department. “They can buy it before they go out to the fishing grounds, or if they’re traveling from Seattle or wherever, they can have ever...

  • Sitka sac roe herring season opens

    Dani Palmer|Mar 19, 2015

    The Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery opened at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday under a cooperative model. Dave Gordon, area management biologist at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, said the decision was made by permit holders to eliminate competition and lower costs to “make it worthwhile to go after the product” as the market is poor. It wasn’t a popular decision among tenders, however. “There’s a lot less boats here,” said Tanner Mackiewicz, president of the Alaska Independent Tendermen’s Association. “A lot of people without jobs.” He said the...

  • Fish Factor: Legislators look to cut $12 million from Fish and Game

    Laine Welch|Mar 12, 2015

    A nearly $12 million cut in state funds is on tap for the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game if state policy makers have their way. That was one early outcome of legislative House finance subcommittee meetings last week, as they wrapped up the first step in a budget process that will see cuts in agencies and programs almost across the board. According to Juneau Resources Weekly, the ADF&G budget reductions cut across all divisions with sport fishing facing the most personnel losses at 12 seasonal jobs. The Division of Habitat could lose $400,000;...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Mar 5, 2015

    Right after the yearly halibut catch limits are announced each January, brokers usually are busy with buying and selling and transferring shares of the catch. But it’s been slow going so far, even with slight harvest increases in nearly all Alaska fishing areas for the first time in nearly a decade. The buyers are there – it’s the sellers that are scarce. “There’s less of a rush this year, but there are less quota shares available,” said Olivia Olsen at Alaskan Quota and Permits at Petersburg. “We’ve had some good sales in Southeast (2C),...

  • Fish Factor Quota brokers see peak year for salmon permit sales

    Laine Welch|Feb 26, 2015

    Last year was one of the busiest years ever for Alaska brokers who help fishermen buy, sell and trade fishing permits and quota shares. “I was really happy to see such a good mix of permits we were selling – it wasn’t just one thing,” said Olivia Olsen of Alaskan Quota and Permits in Petersburg. “We had a lot of Dungeness crab permits, charter halibut permits, salmon and shrimp permits, sea cucumbers, and then whatever IFQs we could find.” Salmon permit sales peak from March through May, and early indicators point to lower salmon prices this...

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