News / Petersburg

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  • It's time for the annual Rainforest Festival

    Jess Field|Sep 3, 2015

    The 8th Annual Rainforest Festival kicks off next week and those attending the festival are going to be offered diverse opportunities, including watching an impactful documentary about a basket weaver, a field trip to listen for bats and wine-making with local ingredients followed by wine tasting. Things get started on Labor Day with the 2nd Annual Rainforest Run Half Marathon. Participants will be faced with the task of completing the 13.1 mile long course. Organizers are hoping to increase... Full story

  • Former PFI worker sentenced for disorderly conduct

    Mary Koppes|Sep 3, 2015

    Former PFI worker Mark Diega, 50, of Chula Vista, Calif., pled guilty to an amended, misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct on Aug. 28 at a proceeding before Superior Court Judge William Carey. He was sentenced to serve 10 days in jail and one year of probation. He is also banned from the PFI property and may not possess a firearm while in Petersburg, should he return. Diega initially faced a felony charge of Terroristic Threatening for an Aug. 8 incident where the former PFI worker attempted... Full story

  • Late August rains break records

    Mary Koppes|Sep 3, 2015

    Heavy rains last Friday and Saturday, August 28 and 29, broke precipitation records for those respective days, according to National Weather Service data. Residents braved a rainy Friday which saw 2.61 inches fall. Downpours on Saturday, however, brought that day's rain total to 3.55 inches. Those measurements are taken at the airport. Local resident Doug Welde also records rain measurements from his downtown home where he recorded just over 5 inches of rain on Saturday. The total rainfall for... Full story

  • Medical center shower room project progress with Paddle Battle funds

    Mary Koppes|Sep 3, 2015

    Construction on a new tub and shower room in the Long Term Care unit at Petersburg Medical Center will begin this month. “We’ve had our contractor and architect look at the project,” said Director of Nursing Jennifer Bryner. “We’re ordering the tile and hoping to get started in the next week or so.” The LTC unit is in the oldest wing of the hospital building and has seen wear and tear from years of daily use by residents. The project was bumped to the top of PMC’s capital projects list after the Division of Health Care Services, part of the A...

  • Hammer and Wikan has new general manager

    Jess Field|Sep 3, 2015

    Hammer and Wikan is in the process of replacing Larry Martin as general manager after 17 years of service. The transition began in mid-July and will continue through May, allowing Martin to attend trade shows and share his years of experience with new general manager, John Mason. "John's going to do a great job for us," Martin says. "I am really looking forward to it. He is fitting in extremely well." Martin says thoughts about leaving the company started to develop a couple years ago, but he...

  • Rainforest Islands Ferry service underway after months of delay

    Dan Rudy|Sep 3, 2015

    On Friday a new inter-island ferry began making runs, lowering its ramp at Banana Point. Rainforest Islands Ferry will be a three-stop service between Wrangell, Mitkof and Prince of Wales islands, running four times each week from spring through autumn. During the winter it will run on a reduced schedule. Based in Coffman Cove, the service is managed by the North End Ferry Authority (NEFA). The ferry service makes use of a 65-foot repurposed landing craft, the Rainforest Islander, which had init...

  • PMC Board unanimous in decision to replace clinic phone system

    Jess Field|Sep 3, 2015

    Petersburg Medical Center (PMC) Board of Directors unanimously voted to approve spending just under $80,000 to replace the outdated telephone system currently used in the Joy Janssen Clinic after it recently crashed, sending the clinic into crisis mode. PMC lost sixteen extensions on Aug. 17, leaving only a couple active lines throughout the entire clinic. Callers had the ability to leave voice messages on the system, but clinic personnel had no way to access and check the incoming messages. “We were having people call our main switch board w...

  • "Tracing Roots" to be featured at Rainforest Festival

    Jess Field|Sep 3, 2015

    Delores Churchill will turn 86 years old in October, but the memory of her mother and the spirit of a special relative, keep her going. To say she is a very busy lady, is like saying people in Southeast like to fish. "My mother was 95, when she died and she was teaching right up until six months before she died," she says. "I really don't think about age." Churchill has the innate ability to talk about death, but light up the room and warm your heart. She says she always thinks about one...

  • Voters to consider financial disclosure for a second time

    Mary Koppes|Aug 27, 2015

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly met on Thursday, Aug. 20, instead of their regularly Monday meeting, and took on a light agenda. An ordinance to create a local exemption to the state’s financial disclosure requirement for some public officials passed unanimously on its third and final reading, which will leave voters to make the final decision on the matter in the Oct. 6 Municipal Election. The financial disclosure requirement was put in place by the state to ensure that individuals do not use public service for personal financial gain. For man... Full story

  • Southeast pink salmon price low, harvest low

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Aug 27, 2015

    Of an estimated 58 million pink salmon harvest for 2015, so far seiners have netted less than half that, some 26 million by the end of last week. "We are not even coming close (to projections)," explained Dan Gray, Alaska Department of Fish and Game management coordinator for Southeast fisheries in Sitka. He estimated that the season will end with a harvest of 30 to 35 million pinks, and recent weekly catch trends indicate that the season is past its peak. "It's dying fast," an industry expert... Full story

  • 16 candidates declared to fill 21 board vacancies

    Mary Koppes|Aug 27, 2015

    Sixteen local residents have declared candidacy for local boards and commissions. Six seats remain open. The only contested seat is on the Harbor Board where three candidates have filed to fill two three-year terms. John Murgas and incumbents Bob Martin and Jim Stromdahl will face off for the two seats. Both three-year terms on the Borough Assembly garnered candidates. Incumbent Nancy Strand will run for her seat again, and newcomer Eric Castro has filed for a term as well. Current Assembly... Full story

  • New school year right around the corner

    Jess Field|Aug 27, 2015

    Student registration is well underway for the Petersburg School District, and so far the number of students signing up is encouraging for the Aug. 31 start of classes. "We've registered 18 new kids in the elementary that we weren't necessarily counting on," said Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter. "Upwards of 15 or 16 in high school, so that's great, it's great for the schools and the community." For Kludt-Painter, it marks her first year full year as Superintendent, and having 15 years of...

  • Activities director discusses budget cuts, 2A reclassification

    Jess Field|Aug 27, 2015

    For Jaime Cabral, pulling double duty as the Petersburg High School and Middle School activities director means being more involved with students and community. But dealing with budget cuts handed down from the State Legislature can make overseeing 21 activities interesting. “We’re spending smarter, working smarter on how we schedule things due to the reduction in activities funding,” he says. “Right now we are not anticipating adding anything, but we haven’t had to cut anything.” Contributions raised from annual fundraisers like the volleyball...

  • Dodson joins the Police Department

    Jess Field|Aug 27, 2015

    Officer John Dodson, 26, is the newest member of the Petersburg Police Department, having recently moved here from Kansas. He has experience working for the National Parks Service and began his law enforcement career five years ago in Colorado before moving to St. Paul Island, in the Bering Sea. Dodson also worked for the police department in Hoonah, then briefly returned to the lower 48, but he admits he missed living with mountains. "I missed the scenery and the small town atmosphere," he...

  • Rainforest Islands Ferry starts service this Friday

    Aug 27, 2015

    The Rainforest Islands Ferry is now taking reservations and service is scheduled to begin on Friday, Aug. 28, according to Kent Miller, manager of the North End Ferry Authority. The ferry passed Coast Guard inspection late last week, and operated dry runs from Coffman Cove to Wrangell and South Mitkof Island, earlier this week. Once the ferry is fully operating, passengers will be offered passage on Friday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. “It’s an accomplishment for sure, I wish it were May instead of August,” Miller says. “The ferry is running...

  • Officials limit wolf harvest in southeast Alaska to 9

    Aug 27, 2015

    KETCHIKAN (AP) — Due to a lower estimate of the number of wolves in southeast Alaska, state and federal managers have reduced the combined limit for the federal subsistence and state general hunts to nine wolves in the area. In Game Management 2, the area that include Prince of Wales Island and its adjacent islands, the state wolf hunting season will run for just 10 days, if at all, according to The Ketchikan Daily News If all nine wolves are killed during subsistence hunting and trapping seasons, which begin in September and November, the s...

  • Cannery workers reflect on season in Petersburg

    Jess Field|Aug 27, 2015

    Steven Missouri, 28, has worked in Alaska for a couple seasons. This was his first year with PFI and he leaves Thursday to return to a job doing freezer plates on a Dutch Harbor vessel. He got in trouble in Phoenix where he lost his driver's license, so working on boats suits his current lifestyle. His family lives in Reno, Nev., but he has lived in 11 different states. Missouri aims to make friends wherever he goes while drifting from place to place and job to job. "I just like to be friendly,...

  • Early morning fire damages Frederick Drive property

    Jess Field|Aug 27, 2015

    Early Saturday morning, police dispatch received a call from a home owner reporting a garage on fire at a private residence south of Sandy Beach on Frederick Drive. The Fire Department responded immediately, sending two engines and a work truck. Fire hydrants near the home allowed fire fighters to minimize damage to the property. “The garage structure was pretty much destroyed, and the wind was blowing toward the house and vehicles,” said Fire spokesperson Dave Berg. “The vehicles weren’t fully engulfed, but they were smoking and we ended u...

  • Weaver sentenced to 5 years probation, fine in explosives case

    Mary Koppes|Aug 20, 2015

    Longtime Petersburg resident Mark Weaver, 60, was sentenced to five years probation and given a $10,000 fine in US District Court in Juneau on Monday for detonating an unregistered destructive device at the rock quarry in July 2014. His sentencing also includes continued mandatory mental health counseling and a ban on traveling to Petersburg during his probation. Weaver was indicted by a Grand Jury on two counts of possession of an unregistered destructive device last August after officials... Full story

  • DMV service transfer extends weekly hours

    Jess Field|Aug 20, 2015

    After this week, the Police Department will no longer provide DMV services for the Borough, a move that will allow dispatchers to focus on their primary responsibility. DMV services will transition to Petersburg Vehicle Title and Registration (PVTR), which means extended hours of availability for people needing to take driving exams or looking for an ID card. The privately-owned business already issues titles and registrations, and Doc Lopez says the move makes sense for both parties. “It'll be... Full story

  • Fifteen public positions remain without candidates as filing deadline approaches

    Mary Koppes|Aug 20, 2015

    Just six residents have filed paperwork with the Borough clerk to run as candidates in the October municipal election. There are 21 vacancies on seven local boards and commissions up for election, including two 3-year terms on the Petersburg Borough Assembly. The Planning and Zoning Commission has garnered three candidates—Tom Stearns, Mike Bangs, and Otis Marsh—each of whom holds a current seat on the commission. When vacancies were first posted, there were five open seats for the commission, but in the interim commissioner James Demko ten... Full story

  • Researchers let lighthouse visitors listen underwater

    Jess Field|Aug 20, 2015

    Humpback whales swimming the northeast region of Fredrick Sound during summer months do their best to attract spectators, but a recent grant is helping researchers add streaming whale songs to the tourism experience. Thanks to a Scenic Byway grant allotted to the Juneau Lighthouse Association, whale-watchers visiting the Five Finger Lighthouse now have the option to listen live underwater. A hydrophone connected to a swinging mooring is outfitted with a converted whitewater kayak, which...

  • Columbarium extends life of cemetery

    Jess Field|Aug 20, 2015

    Petersburg Veteran's Community Columbarium, took shape last week as four columbariums were installed. The sleek looking structures were purchased through state grant money, and are constructed with precast cement and black granite. There are 320 niches, but every niche can safely fit two urns so that potentially provides 640 burial units for the cemetery. "This will literally extend the life of our cemetery anywhere between 20 to 30 years," says Donn Hayes, Parks and Recreation Director. The...

  • Regular season wraps up for Muskeg Meadows

    Dan Rudy|Aug 20, 2015

    After a rainy summer punctuated by four cancelled tournaments, Muskeg Meadows Golf Club decided to end its season early. Following the Sea Level Seafoods tournament last weekend, the course is now closed to regular play for the year. Course Manager Laurie Overbay Burrows said this season has been slower than most, following one of the wettest Julys on record for Southeast Alaska. Wrangell absorbed 9.81 inches over the month, with two-thirds of its days experiencing some precipitation. Muskeg Meadows will still host weekend tournaments, with...

  • Columbia docked for repairs until Aug. 31

    Jess Field|Aug 20, 2015

    Alaska Marine Highway Systems (AMHS) announced on Wednesday that repairs to the Columbia will take longer than expected. The vessel was delayed in Ketchikan earlier in the week due to mechanical issues with its exhaust system and propellers. Further inspection of the vessel revealed damage to the starboard propeller caused by striking a log. The Columbia is scheduled to return to passenger service August 31, according to the AMHS official notice. The Malaspina has been rerouted to replace the vessel until necessary repairs have been completed....

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