News / Petersburg

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  • A reception to be held for new borough constituents

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    A welcome reception for the old and new constituents of the Petersburg Borough is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 15 from noon to 3 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers. “This will be a good opportunity to talk about things and see what the people want,” Assembly member Sue Flint stated. “We have heard good things on both sides of the issue and there are a lot of decisions to be made and we need more than just the six of us.” Flint explained that issues regarding APOC filing, special elections, meeting dates and times and taxes and advisory boards...

  • Borough seeks letters of interest for vacant positions

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The newly formed Petersburg Borough Assembly is seeking letters of interest from qualified borough residents to fill borough vacancies until the first regular borough election in October of 2014. “We are in need of two people to fill assembly seats,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen said. “We also need three for the hospital board and seven for the planning commission.” Anyone appointed to a vacancy will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement within 30 days of taking office. “There are many positions...

  • Sullivan will make a return trip to Poland

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg High School senior, Maura Sullivan returned home in July after a year long exchange student experience in Poland. “I lived in Warsaw, the capital and I loved it,” Sullivan said. “But coming from Petersburg to the capital where there are almost two million people was quite a culture shock.” Sullivan went into this experience with only a few phrases of Polish to her credit and enjoyed every moment of her time in Poland. “I didn’t really speak any Polish except for a couple of phrases an...

  • Energy roundtable to be held in Petersburg

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Robert Venable, Energy Coordinator, Southeast Conference, is interested in conducting a Stakeholders Roundtable to discuss the hydro resources in and around the Thomas Bay and southeast Alaska region that would benefit the area. “We had some discussion about this back in November at the last Alaska Municipal League meeting in Anchorage,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen said. “This has materialized from that discussion.” Venable has volunteered to facilitate this roundtable discussion and has been calling on people from the differe...

  • Assembly appoints Nelson and Jensen to SEAPA Board

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg has traditionally appointed the Power and Light Superintendent, Joe Nelson as the voting member of Southeast Alaska Power Authority, SEAPA. The Petersburg Borough has received one letter of interest to take the alternate position on this board, held by Ted Smith. John Jensen has applied for the spot. Jensen has served as a member of the SEAPA Board in the past and is currently a member of the Thomas Bay Power Authority Board. “Without any objections from the assembly,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “I would like to ap...

  • Rotary Club corks Vessel Owners in bell ringing

    Jan 10, 2013

    The Petersburg Rotary Club assumed the top bell ringing honors this year after an anonymous $500 donation to the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle was made last week, according to Lt. Caleb Fankhauser. Previously, the Petersburg Vessel Owners fundraising total was $2,960.72, but the Petersburg Rotary Club donation pushed their collections from $2,547.36 to $3,047.36. Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas programs this year that surpassed the $16,600 mark, according to Fankhauser. All funds donated to...

  • First ordinances of the Petersburg Borough are approved

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The newly formed Petersburg Borough Assembly approved, for a first reading, the first three ordinances to be put in place. Ordinance #2013-1 is an ordinance providing for an area wide sales tax in the amount of six percent throughout the Petersburg Borough. The Petersburg Borough Charter designates that sales and use taxes can be levied on an area wide basis. Ordinance #2013-2 provides for an area wide transient room tax in the amount of four percent throughout the Petersburg Borough and...

  • Assembly temporarily changes meeting schedule

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly made a temporary change to the meeting schedule to possibly invite members outside the city limits to participate in the new government. “I would like to make a change in the meeting times for two reasons,” Assembly member John Havrilek said. “This would be more friendly to any out of town people and people from across the way that may wish to come. I would like to have at least one of the monthly meetings at noon.” Havrilek chose the first meeting of the month t...

  • Borough Assembly members are sworn in and draw for term length

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The new Petersburg Borough Assembly Members were sworn in by new Borough Clerk Kathy O’Rear to bring the first Borough Assembly meeting to order. The first order of business for the assembly was to draw for term lengths for the sitting assembly members. “These terms will not start counting until October of 2013,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “Terms being drawn for tonight will end in 2015 and 2016.” Assembly members Sue Flint and John Hoag drew terms ending in 2016 and Nancy Str...

  • Record donations to Salvation Army kettle

    Jan 3, 2013

    Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas programs this year, beating the 2011 donations by $5,890.94, according to Lt. Caleb Fankhauser. Giving totaled $15,618.17 in 2012 surpassing last year’s donations of $9,727.23. All funds donated to the Salvation Army Red Kettle remain in Petersburg, according to Fankhauser. Fankhauser said 77 children received Christmas gifts and 92 families were presented with Christmas meals this year. Organizations standing watch at the kettle this year helped with the record c...

  • PIA to hold board election Monday

    Shelly Pope|Jan 3, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association will hold an election for board members and chairperson Monday, Jan. 7. The tribe members will have choices on this ballot to fill the needed seats. Mike Sheldon and Tina Sakamoto are vying for the chair position on the board and Skip Hallingstad, Darnell Wilton, Melanie Frentz-Hallingstad, Jeanette Ness and Carol Martinez are going for the three board seats that are up for grabs. Mike Sheldon is a lifelong resident of Petersburg and his family goes back in the area for generations. “My idea as future chairman... Full story

  • UFA hires new Executive Director Julianne Curry

    Jan 3, 2013

    Alaska’s statewide commercial fishing trade association has hired Julianne Curry as its Executive Director. Curry, who participates in longline fisheries, has worked for UFA member group Petersburg Vessel Owners Association for six years. The UFA board selected Ms. Curry at its annual fall meeting in Anchorage. Curry had served on the UFA Executive Committee as UFA Subsistence Chair for five years and most recently as UFA’s PR/Membership chair. Curry, who assumed the position on January 1, 201... Full story

  • Budget revision brings more money to Petersburg schools

    Shelly Pope|Jan 3, 2013

    The Petersburg City School District Board approved a Fall budget revision that will bring more state money into the school. “Our original budget projected an enrollment of 445 and our actual membership is 451,” PCSD Finance Director Karen Quitsland said. “Our foundation formula is based on this number and the majority of our state funding is based on that as well, so that plays a pretty big role in what our funding from the state is.” Senate Bill 182 was pending at the time of budget submission and SB 182 has three parts to it which include... Full story

  • 2012 Year in Review

    Dec 27, 2012

    January An elderly man was hit by a vehicle while crossing the street at Gjoa and Nordic Drive. The gentleman was crossing inside the crosswalk and was grazed by the vehicle’s mirror as it passed. The victim was thrown approximately 20 feet. He was on crutches at the time. Rock-N-Road Construction was granted a contract to demolish the Romiad Building to make room for the new library. The building was demolished for $22,499. The Petersburg City Council discussed condemning LeConte RV Park for s... Full story

  • Planning for Kake – Petersburg Intertie has begun

    Shelly Pope|Dec 27, 2012

    Planning and preliminary design work has begun for a new electrical transmission line intertie that would extend west across the Tongass National Forest, from the Petersburg area to Kake on Kupreanof Island. According to Project Manager for the Intertie, Mark Schinman, the Kake – Petersburg Intertie would transmit power to Kake at either 69 or 138 kilovolts and consist primarily of single wood pole structures. Schinman also explained that two primary alternative routes are being considered. The two routes generally follow previously i... Full story

  • Petersburg Library Project continues on schedule

    Shelly Pope|Dec 27, 2012

    The Petersburg Library project is continuing through the winter with satisfactory progress. According to Petersburg City’s Onsite Construction Administrator Dan LaForce there have been some setbacks in schedule due to issues with special brackets needed for the glu-lam beams and valley rafters but the brackets and beams needed to complete the roof structure are on site and work started Dec. 11 to get that finished. “I would expect dry-in by the end of the week,” LaForce stated. “There was tem... Full story

  • Department of Justice has pre-cleared the Petersburg Borough

    Shelly Pope|Dec 27, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Justice has granted its final pre-clearance approval to the Petersburg Borough. According to DOJ Voting Section Chief, Christian Herren, assuming the ballot measure carries through the Dec. 28 and Jan. 2 counts and the election is certified on Jan. 3, the Petersburg Borough will take effect Jan. 3, 2013. In a letter sent to Brent Williams, Local Government Specialist and Jim Brennan of Hedland, Brennan and Heideman, the Attorney General does not interpose any objection to the specified changes, which constitutes final...

  • 337 Additional ballots to be counted; results to be posted on Friday, Dec. 28

    Ron Loesch|Dec 27, 2012

    As of Wednesday afternoon the Alaska Division of Elections has received 337 additional Petersburg Borough election ballots, which will be tallied on Friday, Dec. 28 beginning at 11 a.m. according to Gail Fenumiai, Director. Fenumiai said 1,391 ballots have been received and approved by the absentee board. Forty ballots were received and rejected. Deadline for mailing ballots was Dec. 18 at 5 p.m. for the mail in election conducted by the State of Alaska. Participation in the borough election to date stands at 53%, well above November’s p...

  • Voters approve Petersburg Borough formation

    Shelly Pope|Dec 20, 2012

    Tuesday evening, the Alaska Division of Elections posted the unofficial results of the Petersburg Borough election, which shows the yes votes winning by 108 votes. The borough question was approved by a 10% margin with 55% approving the measure. Preliminary tallies showed 584 yes votes to 476 no. At the time of the results posting 1,068 of the 2,623 registered voters’ ballots had been counted for a 41% turnout. The Division of Elections will not certify the election until Jan. 3 in order for rem... Full story

  • Nearly century old slough warehouse collapses

    Dec 20, 2012

    A nearly century-old warehouse on Hammer Slough collapsed Friday evening after its piling gave way, dropping the two-story structure into onto the beach. The building, owned by Arnold Enge, was not occupied. Enge said after removing his personal property from the structure, he will raze the structure and haul the debris away. He suggested the work could be difficult because of the weight restrictions on the Birch Street roadway, limiting the use of a crane and dump trucks. “I may have to cut i... Full story

  • Increased moorage fees will become effective Jan. 1, 2013

    Shelly Pope|Dec 20, 2012

    Petersburg Harbor will be increasing its moorage fees and charges for services at the municipal boat harbors as of Jan. 1, 2013. Ordinance 971 was passed in its third and final reading during the regular meeting of the Petersburg City Council Monday evening. Changes to the current fees and charges are as follows: Overtime moorage will change from $15 to $25 per period along with other fees for prohibited acts, such as speeding or excessive wake charges; obstructing floats; causing a fire hazard and leaving a vessel sunken or in an unsafe condit... Full story

  • The new borough

    Ron Loesch|Dec 20, 2012

    With the formation of the Petersburg Borough as a home rule entity, the City of Petersburg will dissolve once the election results are certified. The City of Kupreanof will continue to exist within the borough and will continue to enact and enforce its own regulations as they do now. All existing powers of the City of Petersburg will become areawide borough powers. However, little will change in the outlying areas of the borough. Borough ordinances and resolutions of the former city will continue in force within the former city limits only.... Full story

  • Petersburg police station site established

    Shelly Pope|Dec 20, 2012

    The Petersburg City Council approved the new location for the Petersburg Police Department unanimously Monday evening during its regular meeting. The new police facility will be located next to the fire hall on Haugen Drive but will not be connected as previously discussed. Two options for the police facility location were offered at a work session Monday afternoon with positive points along with both. “With option one there would be less excavation and fill needed,” Wayne Jensen of Jensen, Yorb...

  • City is working with PIA to possibly replace the Rasmus Enge Bridge

    Shelly Pope|Dec 20, 2012

    Petersburg Public Works Department continues to replace planks on the Rasmus Enge Bridge, [Sing Lee Alley Bridge], Petersburg City Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported during his Managers Report during the regular meeting of the Petersburg City Council Monday evening. “We are replacing planks as they wear out on the bridge,” Giesbrecht said. “But we are hoping to find funding to explore options for this bridge.” Giesbrecht and Petersburg Indian Association Roads Director Will Ware discussed the pos...

  • Students honored by school board

    Shelly Pope|Dec 20, 2012

    Students, faculty, administration and parents crowded into the City Council Chambers for the purpose of receiving letters of appreciation for their contributions to the school and community through their efforts in sports, band, choir and September and October students of the month. “This is something we do about three times a year to let the students know how much we appreciate them,” PCSD Board President Jean Ellis stated. “It's nice to do something that celebrates the kids rather than the r...

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