News / Petersburg

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  • News guide: Alaska legislative session's end date nears

    Apr 16, 2015

    JUNEAU (AP) – Heading into the legislative session in January, two of the big issues were Gov. Bill Walker's desire to expand Medicaid and the suddenly more urgent need to confront Alaska's budget deficit amid a crash in oil prices. Here is a rundown of some of the unresolved issues as the Legislature's nears its scheduled adjournment this coming Sunday: THE BUDGET It's been said repeatedly this session that no one could have predicted the free-fall in oil prices that exacerbated Alaska's deficit, leaving projected multibillion-dollar holes thi...

  • Alaska ferry sailings uncertain with possible budget cuts

    Apr 16, 2015

    KETCHIKAN (AP) – Alaska Marine Highway System officials say more than 9,200 travelers have bought tickets for some ferry sailings this summer that might have to be canceled if funding is not restored to the proposed budget for fiscal year 2016. The Ketchikan Daily News newspaper reports the Marine Highway System could face about $11 million in cuts to its budget. Officials say that if that happens, the Taku, Chenega and Malaspina ferries would have to be sidelined from July through September of this year. Deputy Alaska Transportation C...

  • Alaska's yellow cedar considered for endangered protection

    Apr 16, 2015

    ANCHORAGE (AP) – An iconic Alaska tree may warrant protection as a threatened or endangered species due to climate warming, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced Thursday. The agency will begin a status review of yellow cedar, a tree revered and used by Native Alaska cultures and valued as of high value to the timber industry. The decision is great news for the Tongass National Forest and for yellow cedar, said Rebecca Noblin, an attorney in Anchorage for the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the groups that petitioned to list the...

  • School Board still searching for a new member

    Dani Palmer|Apr 16, 2015

    The Petersburg School Board is still seeking a new member after the deadline to turn in letters of interest passed without anyone turning one in. Mara Lutomski announced at Tuesday evening’s meeting she’d like to submit a letter if the board decides to continue its search. “Yay,” was Vice President Sarah Holmgrain’s response. Former board president Jean Ellis’ resignation was effective on March 18 and the board set a deadline of 5 p.m. on April 9 for letters of interest. It was set to discuss whether or not to continue seeking that new member,...

  • Borough assembly delays recycling purchases pending citizen initiative

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    The Borough Assembly voted 5-2 in favor of delaying the purchase of a new sanitation truck for the recycling program. Though the Assembly approved the transition to a cart-based system on March 16, an as-yet unresolved citizen initiative to retain the blue bag system for two more years gave several assembly members pause on moving forward with the truck’s purchase. Angela Davis and Wes Davis filed an application for initiative petition with Borough Clerk Debbie Thompson on March 31, which outlined a two-year, blue bag program with a c... Full story

  • Nordic-Haugen road project to begin soon

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    The first phase of the $8.6 million Nordic-Haugen road project is expected to kick off soon with utility work. Originally slated to begin in the summer of 2014, the project was pushed back to this spring with the construction bid recently awarded to Secon, of Juneau, according to Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities spokesman Jeremy Woodrow. “We’ve actually combined four projects into one,” he noted. It’s to be a two season project, with an expected completion date of fall 2016. Phase one will see utility work, consist... Full story

  • Parks and Rec implements $50,000 budget cut

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    Though the Borough has a balanced budget for the upcoming fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2015), they have begun preparing for leaner times ahead. Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht has tasked the Parks and Recreation department to cut $100,000 from their budget over the coming two fiscal years (FY), compared with the $887,334 budget for 2014-15. “It’s never pleasant,” said Giesbrecht. “With the combination of state and federal cuts, we’ve got to start working on this.” Parks and Rec Director Donnie Hayes said they’ve already eliminated on... Full story

  • Residents get new wheels at Mountain View Manor

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    It used to be difficult for some, so they just wouldn't get out and about. But now that Mountain View Manor has a new set of wheels for its residents to spin around in, ridership has doubled. "We do get a lot more people going than would've gone," Activities Director Jordan Stafford said. The new van has an 800 pound capacity wheelchair lift that makes it easier for those in chairs and with walkers to get on. The van can fit about 15 people, including two wheelchairs, while the old one couldn't...

  • The many faces of theatre: Juneau troupe brings Shakespeare to the local stage

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    The Juneau-based troupe Theatre in the Rough will bring Shakespeare’s The Life of King Henry V to a Petersburg audience this weekend. Director Aaron Elmore said the production is brought to life by a troupe of eight actors who collectively fill 40 roles. To keep the action moving along, characters transform on stage before the audience. In addition to quick wardrobe changes, another key costume element aids in distinguishing the characters. “All of these characters are pretty comic. They tend to be laggards or cowards or drunks,” Elmore said....

  • Petersburg resident faces felony charge following downtown vehicle collisions

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    Police arrested Lars D. Christensen, 56, on a charge of felony assault following two motor vehicle accidents on N. Nordic on April 1. According to the criminal complaint filed by police, witnesses saw Christensen driving a Ford Ranger on N. Nordic, which veered close to parked vehicles on the street before hitting a car parked in front of Petersburg Rexall Drug. Christensen allegedly continued driving after this incident and veered to the right again, hitting the back of a full-size pickup parke...

  • Shoppers to enjoy two tax-free days in 2015

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    Petersburg shoppers will enjoy two Sales Tax Free Days this year: May 2 and October 3. The Assembly unanimously approved a resolution providing for the two days. Last year’s tax free days resulted in just over $19,000 in uncollected sales tax revenue for the Borough. Assembly member Jeigh Stanton Gregor said the days keep money circulating locally, which he said was a benefit for the community. “I think it makes lot of financial sense because people are spending discretionary money locally, which then gets reinvested in the community, whi...

  • SEAPA bond resolution passes with amended wording

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    Petersburg Borough Assembly members passed an amended resolution to allow Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) to move forward with refinancing of existing 2009 bonds and a proposed $7 million bond sale to fund an expansion of the Swan Lake facility northeast of Ketchikan on Revillagigedo Island. Though Petersburg and Wrangell municipal attorneys have vetted the paperwork for the bond sale, Peterburg's Vice Mayor Cindi Lagoudakis said she had some concerns about the resolution's wording. “My concern with this resolution is that it doesn't i...

  • WAVE outlines initiatives during annual meeting

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    Part of its strategic plan for 2014-2020, WAVE (Working Against Violence for Everyone) has increased advocate interest, moving from five to 13 potential advocates, seven of which are taking calls. But the group is always looking for more. The non-profit organization discussed growing membership, among other topics, during its annual meeting Monday evening at the Petersburg Medical Center. WAVE provides advocacy for victims of both domestic violence and sexual assault. One discussion revolved around the possible formation of new support groups....

  • WAVE: Online chat is another avenue of help

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    WAVE (Working Against Violence for Everyone) has a fairly new service that little seem to know about. “We’re hoping we can get a little more awareness out about the online (chat),” Executive Director Annette Wooten said. “It gives people another option.” The chat service she speaks of is similar to that of Google Gmail’s chat, or of that you’d see a service provider, such as an internet company, provide for tech support. In a small community such as Petersburg’s, it gives victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault seeking help a chance t...

  • Troll fishery 'early' opening anticipated

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    With some troll areas expected to open in mid-April, "a little early" as Sitka Assistant Troll Fishery Biologist Grant Hagerman put it, local fishermen are gearing up for the spring season. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game held a public troll fishery meeting Wednesday afternoon in assembly chambers. An announcement regarding spring fishery plans is expected sometime next week, Troll Fishery Biologist Pattie Skannes said, after all public meetings have wrapped up on Friday. Frederick Sound...

  • TSA & TWIC credentials available in Wrangell

    Dan Rudy and Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    As the summer season nears its start, residents interested in seeking work with the Alaska Marine Highway System or various other marine-related occupations may need to make sure they have the proper credentials first. Among these is the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), which conveniently enough can be acquired at the Wrangell Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The office was able to take on the program after filing an application through Morphotrust USA, an identity services provider. A site survey was conducted to make...

  • Marijuana subcommittees discuss permits, public safety

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    The first of the Local Marijuana Regulation Advisory Committee subcommittees met over the last week, agreeing to bring a few items to the table for discussion at the next full committee meeting May 27. On Tuesday, at the public safety meeting, subcommittee members said they’d prefer no edibles or extractions be sold in Petersburg, a dispensary sit at least a mile outside of downtown and security of the facilities selling the product. “There’s no place in town I would feel comfortable with because our kids are everywhere,” Kathy Holtzin...

  • Ruger's Trucking owners begin petition process to bring recycling issue to voters

    Mary Koppes|Apr 2, 2015

    Angela Davis and Wes Davis and ten other sponsors may be asking for your signature on a petition for a resolution to retain the blue bag recycling program for at least two more years. The Davis’s—owners of Ruger’s Trucking, the current recycling contractor–filed an application for an initiative petition with the Borough clerk on Tuesday, and it is currently under review by Borough attorney Jim Brennan. If approved by the attorney, the Davis’s would have a limited time to collect 255 signatures, which would then bring their proposed resolutio... Full story

  • Local business sales up 6 percent in 2014

    Mary Koppes|Apr 2, 2015

    With budget and tax seasons upon us, money is on the minds of many in Petersburg. Locally, the economy saw about a 6 percent growth in sales across all categories of business from 2013 to 2014. Petersburg businesses reported almost $122 million in sales for 2014, which brought in $3 million in sales tax revenue to the Borough. Retail sales mirrored the overall trend, seeing about a 6 percent increase from $5.17 million in 2013 to $5.5 million in 2014. Several downtown retailers said 2014 kept pace with 2013, not a particularly busy or slow... Full story

  • PHS senior going on to national science competition

    Dani Palmer|Apr 2, 2015

    Petersburg High School students arrived home with new knowledge and a national competitor in Ian Fleming after this weekend's Alaska High School Statewide Science Symposium. Fleming, who placed second overall, will be heading to the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, sponsored by the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force, in Maryland on April 29. "I'm excited to go," he said; to meet fellow science students from around the country, listen to speakers and make a stop at the nation's... Full story

  • Schools getting new activity bus, gym lights

    Dani Palmer|Apr 2, 2015

    The Petersburg School Board met in a special meeting Friday morning, approving the search for a new multi function school activity bus (MFSAB) and a bid for new gym lights. The board gave Director of Maintenance Dan Tate the authority to purchase the newest MFSAB he could find up to $40,000. That money will come out of the vehicle fund. Due to federal safety standards, the district has been looking for a 14 passenger or 12 passenger with wheelchair bus to replace a 2003 passenger van used for extracurricular activities. Any replacement...

  • Wrangell prepares for this year's Artfest

    Dan Rudy|Apr 2, 2015

    WRANGELL — The high school is getting ready to sponsor a bit of culture, as it comes Wrangell’s turn to host this year’s Southeast Alaska Regional Artfest next week. Sixty students and 15 teachers from schools around the region will be represented, coming from Klawock, Skagway, Petersburg, Craig, Sitka, Mount Edgecumbe and Juneau. “We’re honored to host the continuation of the Southeast Alaska Artfest,” said Wrangell High School’s art teacher, Anne Luetkemeyer. Fifteen different classes will be offered to students next Wednesday afternoon thr...

  • Hospital board approves next year's budget

    Dani Palmer|Apr 2, 2015

    The Petersburg Medical Center Board of Directors approved the hospital’s 2016 budget on Thursday, March 26, and will be sending it on to the Petersburg Borough Assembly the first of April for review. “The budget is really straight forward,” said Interim Chief Financial Officer Dornan Hammett. Petersburg Medical Center is looking at a total revenue of $13.9 million with operating and non-operating revenues, and a total expense of $13.8 million. There’ll be a $580,000 operating revenue loss, but a net gain of $71,000 with the non-ope...

  • Swan Lake bond sale moves ahead

    Dan Rudy|Apr 2, 2015

    A project to improve storage capacity at Southeast Alaska Power Agency’s (SEAPA) Swan Lake hydropower facility continues along with efforts to finance it with up to $11.36 million in bond sales. Over the past month, SEAPA’s executive director Trey Acteson and general counsel presented updates on the planned expansion of the facility located northeast of Ketchikan on Revillagigedo Island. Each of SEAPA’s three member utilities—Wrangell, Petersburg and Ketchikan— heard presentations on the expansion and the associated bonds. The project w...

  • Federal Commission cancels preliminary permit for Cascade Creek project

    Mary Koppes|Apr 2, 2015

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has cancelled a preliminary permit issued to Hydro Development, LLC in August 2013 to study the feasibility of a hydroelectric power project at Swan Lake and Cascade Creek, located 15 miles northeast of Petersburg near Thomas Bay. FERC issued the order to cancel on March 17 after the Bellingham-based company failed to submit a progress report. The preliminary permit granted by FERC gave Hydro Development, LLC priority to submit a license application for the project. Their 2012 application for the...

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