News / Petersburg

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  • U.S. Sen. Murkowski introduces bipartisan hydro bill to U.S

    Mar 21, 2013

    U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski introduced the Hydropower Improvement Act of 2013 last week in Washington D.C. The bipartisan legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), James Risch (R-Idaho), Maria Cantwell (D-Washington), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Patty Murray (D-Washington), and Mark Begich (D-Alaska). The bill seeks to substantially increase the United States’ hydropower capacity in an effort to expand clean-power generation and spur domestic job creation. As the country’s largest source of renewable energy, hydropower allows us to avo...

  • Bids are in for North Harbor Project

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    Petersburg Harbormaster Glorianne Wollen and staff will make a recommendation to the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday evening regarding the bids that were received for the North Harbor Project. "The Assembly will be presented with the bid results and the recommendation will be to go with the low bidder," Wollen said. "Western Dock and Bridge out of Ketchikan came in with that low bid." The bids that were received were from Tamico, Inc. for $7,189,420; Pacific Pile and Marine, LLC for $7,855,462; American Construction Company for $8,517,800... Full story

  • Papa Bear's Pizza is named Business of the Year

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    Each year, the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce honors a business and this year, Papa Bear's Pizza was awarded Business of the Year. "Papa Bear's Pizza was nominated for its friendly atmosphere and new location," Chamber of Commerce Banquet emcee Donnie Hayes said. "They have a friendly staff and are constantly donating to the community." One of the nominations said that they may not be huge but they are a wonderful small business trying to improve every day. "They work hard to make our visitors... Full story

  • Kertulla speaks at Chamber of Commerce Banquet

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Banquet was awash in green and sparkles as business owners and residents attended to hear Representative Beth Kertulla speak about herself and her experiences, the legislative session and the future. Kertulla's family has a long history in Alaska and her father, Jay was the state's longest-serving legislator and the only legislator to have served as both Speaker of the House and Senate President. Kertulla, herself has been elected eight times to the... Full story

  • New "Rain Game" contest announced

    Mar 14, 2013

    The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce announced a new contest during their annual banquet Saturday evening. The contest, the Rain Game Classic, will pay cash to people guessing how much rain and snow falls this year. "This is a new raffle we will be having throughout the year and it is a guess of how much rain we get on a yearly basis," Chamber of Commerce member Donnie Hayes said. "This is going to be a wonderful addition to this year's activities. Each ticket costs $2 and will be available until...

  • Library windows

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The new Petersburg Public Library has a different look every day. The windows have been installed and interior work continues. The project is on schedule and should be ready for move in by July 1....

  • PIA will apply to replace Sing Lee Alley Bridge

    Mar 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association Tribal Board received reports from various departments outlining the programs they are involved in and what is happening within the organization during its regular meeting Monday evening. The PIA Transportation Department will submit an application for the replacement of the Sing Lee Alley Bridge. "The Petersburg Borough's engineers anticipate the cost of replacement at $1 to $1.2 million," PIA Transportation Director Will Ware reported. "The maximum funding allowed through the Tribal Transportation Bridge... Full story

  • North Harbor bids closed March 5

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported that the bids for the North Harbor project closed March 5 during the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday afternoon. "There seems to be quite a bit of interest in this project," Giesbrecht said. "We hope that means we will have competitive bids." Residents of Petersburg will notice the slow and steady migration of vessels from the North Harbor to the Middle and South Harbors in the coming weeks. A tour ship schedule will be put together by the Harbor Advisory Board soon.... Full story

  • Blaquiere Point launch ramp rebuild is underway

    Ron Loesch|Mar 7, 2013

    Mild winter weather has allowed Rock-n-Road Construction to begin the rebuild of the Blaquiere Point boat launch ramp at Mile 30 Mitkof Highway on the southeast side of Mitkof Island. The project will include the rebuild and extension of the launch ramp, construction of a level parking pad for 19 vehicles with trailers and a new vault toilet. Sig Burrell of Rock-n-Road said they will add four picnic tables at the far end of the parking lot on an elevated pad. The 224-foot x 20-foot wide... Full story

  • Assembly takes no action on sea otter bounty

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    During its regular meeting Monday afternoon, the Petersburg Borough Assembly took no action at all on Resolution 2013-7, which is a resolution supporting Senate Bill 60 introduced in the twenty-eighth legislature of the State of Alaska for an act relating to sea otter population management by the implementation of a bounty on sea otters. Senate Bill 60, if enacted, would add a new section to AS 16.35 titled "Bounty on Sea Otters," and reads, "The department shall pay a person $100 for each sea otter the person lawfully takes under the Marine...

  • Assembly supports skaters at the community gym

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    Several members of the roller derby and hockey program attended the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday afternoon to show support for the skating program at the community gym. Donna Marsh of the Petersburg Parks and Recreation Advisory Board spoke on behalf of herself hoping to gain the support of the board. "I am in favor of promoting and even expanding the use by skaters of the community gym," Marsh stated. "We have a multi-million dollar facility and I think if we can invite and support different groups to use it, it wi...

  • School Board hears update for Emergency Response Plan

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    Marcus Hom, lead instructor for Dark Horse Defense has taken on the task of developing an emergency response plan for the Petersburg Schools. Hom attended the regular meeting of the Petersburg School Board Tuesday, Feb. 19 to update the board on the progress of the plan. "I have been working with the staff of the high school, middle school and elementary schools," Hom stated. "I have also observed the security in place now during school hours." Hom is now moving from the observation phase and into the development of a new plan for the Petersbur...

  • Official Borough Incorporation Election Results

    Mar 7, 2013

    Official Borough Incorporation Election Results Ballot Question Total Votes: 1382 Yes 782 No 600 Mayor Mark Jensen 918 Don Koenigs 167 Assembly Susan Flint 833 John Havrilek 786 John Hoag 754 Nancy Strand 755 School Board Jean Ellis 871 Cheryl File 830 Hospital Board Tom Abbot 874 Timothy Koeneman 796 Rocio Tejera 796 Darlene Whitethorn 933... Full story

  • Assembly receives update on police chief search

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly, along with Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht, has decided on a criteria that will be necessary to attract good, qualified candidates for the position of Petersburg Police Chief. "The police chief job description has been revised in response to the community interviews and to the changing needs of the community," Giesbrecht said. "And this description better reflects the position profile established by Brimeyer Fursman consultants." This criteria includes a salary range of $70,000 to $95,000 with reimbursable...

  • Losing Big Petersburg loses two more contestants

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    The Losing Big Petersburg competition has attracted many supporters over the last month and the loss of two more contestants brings the total to seven left standing. The White Team had a big loss in Veronica Maldonado two weeks ago as she sacrificed herself for another teammate and the Blue Team lost Carli Byrer last week. "The teams are doing very well," Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Hayes said. "They have become an inspiration to the community and we have had many people in the community comment on these contestants." Hayes...

  • TRT Grants are awarded by Assembly

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly awarded several grants funded by the Transient Room Tax during its regular meeting Monday afternoon. The TRT Committee recommended awarding the following; $1,600 will go to the Chamber of Commerce for a Viking ship bench; $1,788 will go to the Clausen Memorial Museum for flags directing visitors to their location; $1,625 will go to the Chamber of Commerce and the Petersburg Economic Development Commission to assist in developing a photo library; $1,500 will go for a Petersburg Annual Harvest calendar and $1,623...

  • Begich pushes roadless repeal in Senate

    Mar 7, 2013

    Senator Mark Begich has once again introduced legislation to repeal the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule. “It’s past time to eliminate this cookie cutter federal regulation that is stifling the Southeast Alaska economy,” Senator Begich said last week. “Southeast communities and small businesses need options to strengthen the region’s economy through responsible resource development like potential mining projects on Prince of Wales Island as well as economic timber sales.” Begich also added that roadways would be a path to greater eco...

  • Wrangell Borough begins TBPA termination study

    Greg Knight|Mar 7, 2013

    WRANGELL — The City and Borough of Wrangell is working with a Denver-based consultancy firm to determine the cost of eliminating PERS employees at Thomas Bay Power Authority via a “termination study” that will show the cost of eliminating seven positions at the organization – a move recommended in a Southeast Alaska Power Agency commissioned report issued last year by D. Hittle and Associates. According to Borough Finance Director Jeff Jabusch, the city undertook the study to assist SEAPA. “Last fall, the SEAPA folks requested permissio...

  • PIA will apply to replace Sing Lee Alley Bridge

    Shelly Pope|Mar 6, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association Tribal Board received reports from various departments outlining the programs they are involved in and what is happening within the organization during its regular meeting Monday evening. The PIA Transportation Department will submit an application for the replacement of the Sing Lee Alley Bridge. "The Petersburg Borough's engineers anticipate the cost of replacement at $1 to $1.2 million," PIA Transportation Director Will Ware reported. "The maximum funding allowed through the Tribal Transportation Bridge... Full story

  • North Harbor bids closed March 5

    Shelly Pope|Mar 6, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported that the bids for the North Harbor project closed March 5 during the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday afternoon. "There seems to be quite a bit of interest in this project," Giesbrecht said. "We hope that means we will have competitive bids." Residents of Petersburg will notice the slow and steady migration of vessels from the North Harbor to the Middle and South Harbors in the coming weeks. A tour ship schedule will be put together by the Harbor Advisory Board soon.... Full story

  • Blaquiere Point launch ramp rebuild is underway

    Ron Loesch|Mar 6, 2013

    Mild winter weather has allowed Rock-n-Road Construction to begin the rebuild of the Blaquiere Point boat launch ramp at Mile 30 Mitkof Highway on the southeast side of Mitkof Island. The project will include the rebuild and extension of the launch ramp, construction of a level parking pad for 19 vehicles with trailers and a new vault toilet. Sig Burrell of Rock-n-Road said they will add four picnic tables at the far end of the parking lot on an elevated pad. The 224-foot x 20-foot wide... Full story

  • Seaside Restaurant will close permanently

    Shelly Pope|Feb 28, 2013

    Petersburg Indian Association will close the doors of the Seaside Restaurant permanently at the end of business Thursday, Feb. 28. “This is a venture that has to be self-sustaining,” PIA Tribal Administrator Bruce Jones stated. “There are no grants out there to run restaurants.” According to Jones, January was a good month and the restaurant still came within $730 of breaking even operationally, but that amount does not cover the debt. “There were loans taken out to get it up to the way it is now and it just isn't making enough,” Jones said.... Full story

  • PMC CFO, Leon Walsh to retire in July

    Shelly Pope|Feb 28, 2013

    Petersburg Medical Center Chief Financial Officer, Leon Walsh, has announced his intention to retire at the end of July. “I have said that July 31 will be the day that I retire,” Walsh stated. “I will be available if the hospital needs me, but I will essentially not be coming to the office anymore after that date.” Walsh has been with PMC for three and a half years, coming here from a hospital in Barrow. “Petersburg is kind of like heaven compared to Barrow,” Walsh said. “I was with the hosp... Full story

  • Petersburg to reconsider TBPA budget request

    Greg Knight|Feb 28, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly is poised to reconsider action it took at their most recent regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19 in a vote that denied Thomas Bay Power Authority General Manager Paul Southland the ability to extend his budgetary spending for office manager Rhonda Christian’s position. The Assembly voted 4-3 during that meeting to deny Southland the option to increase his spending under his 2013 budget for the purpose of insuring Christian’s husband. Christian, who recently got married, insured her spouse under the city’s Blue...

  • Humphreys assumes leadership at Icicle Seafoods, Inc.

    Feb 28, 2013

    Icicle Seafood, Inc. (“Icicle”), one of the largest and most diversified seafood companies in North America, announced the appointment of Amy Humphreys to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately, succeeding Dennis Guhlke, who has resigned. Most recently, Ms. Humphreys served as President of Delta Western, Inc., a leading petroleum marketing and distribution company in Alaska. “We are delighted to welcome Amy to Icicle,” said Mitchell Presser, a founding Partner at Paine & Partners. “Amy is a proven an...

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