News / Petersburg

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  • Consulting firm outlines plan to fill police chief position

    Shelly Pope|Feb 21, 2013

    Representatives Richard and Irina Fursman of the consulting firm, Brimeyer Fursman Company, attended the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Tuesday evening to update the assembly members of their plan to fill the position of retiring Petersburg Police Chief, Jim Agner. “We would like to explain how this process will work,” Fursman stated. “This is a citizens' process and through insights we have gleaned throughout the community speaks deeply of a place that really cares about... Full story

  • Petersburg celebrates Elizabeth Peratrovich

    Shelly Pope|Feb 21, 2013

    Despite the rain and cold, Petersburg residents gathered Saturday to celebrate Elizabeth Peratrovich, a civil rights activist who worked on behalf of equality for Alaska Natives. Peratrovich was credited with advocacy that gained the passage of the territory's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945, the first anti-discrimination law in the United States. According to the National Women's History Museum, Peratrovich was the last person to speak at the Territorial Senate beginning her speech saying,...

  • City of Petersburg Public Water System

    Feb 14, 2013

    CIty of Petersburg Public Water System is no longer on a boil water notice. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has formally rescinded the boil water notice issued on February 14, 2013. This notice was originally issued due to a routine water sample testing positive for E. Coli. The water system has been sampled and the sampled have been analyzed by a certified laboratory for total coliform and E. Coli. All 4 samples collected on February 14, 2013 have been determined to be... Full story

  • Utility and community leaders talk energy

    Greg Knight|Feb 14, 2013

    Community and utility leaders from Petersburg, Wrangell, Juneau, Angoon and Ketchikan gathered last week to discuss energy resources in a round table forum. The common denominator for most of these leaders was a way to reduce the need for diesel power or get off of this expensive power altogether. Southeast Conference Energy Coordinator Robert Venables facilitated the event and laid out several key findings from the Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan that he thought necessary for consideration. “The current situation facing the S... Full story

  • The death of a Kake teen is considered a homicide

    Shelly Pope|Feb 14, 2013

    The body of 13 year old Mackenzie H. Howard was discovered late Tuesday evening, Feb. 5 in the entrance of the Memorial Presbyterian Church by community members. “We are investigating this as a homicide,” Alaska Department of Public Safety Public Information Officer Megan Peters said. “There are a lot of rumors and speculation going around and we have to weed through all of them to get to the truth.” Howard's body was sent to Anchorage for an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death. “The autopsy was completed Friday and we have rece... Full story

  • PFVD Family Activity Night is a teaching event

    Shelly Pope|Feb 14, 2013

    The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department hosted a Family Activity Night Saturday evening and kids and adults alike learned, enjoyed and toured the facility. A smoke house, which was borrowed from Wrangell, was set up in the parking lot. This allowed those inside to experience what it is like to go through a house full of smoke. “We fill the house up with breathable smoke,” PVFD Firefighter Devren Bennett said. “Someone has to call 911 and then make their way to the other end of the house and o... Full story

  • Library construction continues

    Feb 14, 2013

    The new Petersburg Public Library roof is almost complete and the real work has begun on the inside of the building. “We should be finished with the sprinkler system by the end of the week,” Petersburg Borough On-Site Construction Administrator Dan LaForce said. “And windows should be ready to install next week.” Walls are being constructed for the different rooms on the inside and the yellow cedar columns are in place in the entryway. “We still have to finish the roof on the very front of...

  • Three year investigation finally ends with conviction for Petersburg Police

    Shelly Pope|Feb 14, 2013

    Approximately three years ago, Petersburg Police Sergeant Heidi Agner began an investigation that has taken years to finally come to fruition. Feb. 8, Federal Judge Timothy Burgess sentenced Victor Araujo, 51, to 60 months in federal prison for conspiracy to distribute heroin and cocaine. “Araujo was brought to my attention by an under-cover agent that was working here,” Agner said. “That agent's work not only led to the conviction of Araujo but four others who were charged, convicted and served time for felony drug related crimes.” Agner e...

  • PIA Board sets Transportation Improvement Program

    Shelly Pope|Feb 14, 2013

    A Transportation Improvement Program, TIP, has been established for the next five years by the Petersburg Indian Association Board during its regular meeting. PIA Tribal Transportation Director Will Ware submitted a written report for the board outlining the program, a Long Range Transportation Plan, LRTP, and projects that are ongoing for PIA. Over the next five years, the PIA Transportation Department will spend $1,630,000 on maintenance for a 50 mile range area; $25,600 will be spent on the maintenance shed; $1,355,000 will go toward...

  • Jones returns to PIA

    Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association re-hired Bruce Jones after letting him go in mid-October – and only two months of service to the organization. Jones has agreed to a four-year commitment with PIA after a long career in local government. “I had all intentions of continuing on with retirement,” Jones said. “I had my name out there on the Alaska Municipal League website to be available as an interim City Manager.” Jones had just been called by the City of Whittier when he met with the PIA tribal council Wednesday evening. “I put in 28 years wi... Full story

  • Assembly speaks out against genetically engineered salmon

    Feb 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly spoke out against genetically engineered salmon by way of a resolution during its regular meeting Monday afternoon. Resolution 2013-2 opposes the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's preliminary finding of no significant effect on the quality of the human environment in the U.S. with approval of AquaBounty Technologies, Inc's application to market genetically modified Atlantic salmon in the United States. “In councils past we have sent resolutions not supporting this modified salmon,” Petersburg Borough Ass... Full story

  • Transportation Advisory Board asks for more ferry service

    Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Transportation Advisory Committee Chair, Dave Kensinger, attended the Marine Transportation Advisory Board meeting in Juneau and asked for more ferry service to the area. “We went to them with two proposals,” Kensinger said. “One was met with widespread support.” Kensinger asked that two vessels be rededicated out of Prince Rupert from May through September and for a fast vehicle ferry service as well. “Everyone was in support of the two vessels out of Prince Rupert. This would be of great benefit to the region, not just Petersbu... Full story

  • Still seeking letters of interest for vacant positions

    Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough continues to seek letters of interest from qualified residents to fill vacancies in elected offices until the first regular borough election, set for October 2014. All letters of interest should be submitted to the Mayor or Clerk no later than 10 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 14 for consideration at the Feb. 19 Assembly meeting. Anyone appointed to an elected seat will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement, POFDS, within 30 days of taking office. Seats to be filled are two vacancies on the...

  • TRT funds available for qualified non-profit organizations

    Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Transient Room Tax Committee announced the availability of $8,136 from the TRT receipts to be awarded to qualified non-profit organizations. Applications for the grants can be picked up at the Petersburg finance office, or on the Borough website, explained Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht in his report during the Petersburg Borough Assembly regular meeting Monday afternoon. Also explained in his report was news that Petersburg EMS Director Sandy Dixson has been following up on a report that the University of Alaska...

  • TRT ordinance revised for assembly

    Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    A new version of the transient room tax ordinance was introduced to the Petersburg Borough Assembly during its regular meeting Monday afternoon to address concerns voiced by fishing lodge owners, who normally charge their customers a package price that does not specify a separate rate for what are usually no-frills rooms. In the original ordinance, 30 percent of the package price was subject to being taxed. This new version will be 15 percent of the package price and the lodge owners will pay...

  • SEAPA board to discuss group retreat

    Greg Knight and Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    The Southeast Alaska Power Agency Board of Directors will meet in special session this week to discuss a possible junket for the five voting members to hash out organizational policy and the administrative oversight of staff members. The board will meet tomorrow in Ketchikan to mull over a possible board retreat where Wrangell board member Brian Ashton said they would decide whether to pursue such a trip. “Over the past year, some board members have voiced a desire to have a retreat, in order to address some foundational issues pertaining to SE...

  • PMC financial audit gets a green light

    Shelly Pope|Jan 31, 2013

    Petersburg Medical Center had the presentation of its financial audit during the regular meeting of the PMC Hospital Board Thursday evening. Eric Campbell of Mikunda, Cottrell & Co., Inc. Certified Public Accountants & Consultants of Anchorage presented the audit. “You have a clean financial opinion for this audit,” Campbell stated. “The total assets were up $1.1 million higher than the previous year and that is cash and receivables.” Campbell also explained that PMC has $700,000 more cash and liabilities were $2.3 million and that is up by $... Full story

  • TBPA elects officers for coming year

    Shelly Pope|Jan 31, 2013

    The Thomas Bay Power Authority Commission met Wednesday morning to get updates on the Southeast Alaska Power Agency, SEAPA, Tyee and to elect officers for the new year. Sitting Member at Large, Brian Ashton resubmitted his letter of interest for the position along with fellow Wrangell resident Mike Nash. Ashton was appointed to the position once again and a nomination was placed for the current officers to remain at their posts for another year. TBPA President for 2013 is John Jensen; Vice-Presi...

  • Losing Big contestants have been chosen

    Shelly Pope|Jan 31, 2013

    Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department has begun its own version of the Biggest Loser which is called Losing Big Petersburg. The contestants for this competition will take part in various programs through Parks and Recreation over a six week time period to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle and also lose weight. The focus is on health and wellness for the community, the participants and their families. The competition will begin formally Wednesday, Feb. 6 and continue to the final... Full story

  • Legislature to debate guns in schools

    Greg Knight|Jan 31, 2013

    WRANGELL — With the 2012 school shootings in Connecticut and California still fresh in our collective memory, a proposal from an Anchorage lawmaker would allow for teachers or other permanent school employees to carry concealed weapons on campus “for defensive use” in the State of Alaska. House Bill 55, from Republican Rep. Bob Lynn, would allow public districts and private schools to adopt written policies spelling out the circumstances under which firearms could be possessed and used. The proposal, which was released on Jan. 11, would allow...

  • Stavee facing charges related to assault case

    Greg Knight|Jan 31, 2013

    WRANGELL — A 21-year-old Wrangell man has been charged with purchasing alcohol for a party where an alleged assault occurred on Jan. 12. Taylor Stavee was charged on Friday, Jan. 25 with two counts – Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages to persons under 21, and a Violation of Conditions of Release in a previous case – and police believe it was the alcohol consumed at a party where a 17-year-old Wrangell High School student was allegedly beaten earlier in the month. “This complaint is based on the statement of (Stavee) to Officer Paul and Lt. Merlin...

  • Changes proposed for cruise ship waste water regulations

    Jan 31, 2013

    JUNEAU – Gov. Sean Parnell is proposing changes to the way the state regulates wastewater from cruise ships – drawing criticism that his proposal would roll back provisions of a 2006 citizen initiative that required cruise ships to meet state water quality standards when dumping wastewater. The proposal, SB29 in the state Senate, got its first hearing Wednesday in front of the chamber’s Resources Committee. Larry Hartig, commissioner of the state Department of Environmental Conservation, said the proposal would align the rules for cruise ships...

  • Ranger Districts ask owners to register vehicles

    Jan 31, 2013

    According to the Tongass National Forest District Rangers, there is a growing problem with abandoned vehicles and long-term parking on remote road systems near Petersburg and Wrangell. Rangers claim these vehicles are impacting public and contractor access to public lands, creating a safety concern, contaminating the environment with hazardous materials and creating an eyesore for the public. The Ranger Districts are responding to public requests to control the problem by designating long-term p...

  • Rare-earth elements mine possible in POW Island

    Jan 31, 2013

    KETCHIKAN (AP) — An Alaska company has set its sights on developing a rare-earth element mine by 2016 on southeast Prince of Wales Island. Ucore Rare Metals' proposed Bokan Mountain Project could begin construction in 2014 with the proper permits, The Ketchikan Daily News reports. CEO Jim McKenzie said China has dominated the rare-earth elements market, and the Alaska project gives the U.S. a chance to keep up. Rare-earth elements are the types of elements used in technology such as radar systems, satellites, renewable energy systems and c...

  • SEAPA board fields transparency concerns

    Jan 31, 2013

    A debate over the openness of records in the possession of the Southeast Alaska Power Agency – along with discussion over the noticing, intent and necessity of an executive session to seek requests for power and energy from across the region – were two of the highlights of a special meeting of the SEAPA Board of Directors on Jan. 17 in Ketchikan. During the opening of the meeting, the board allowed for comment from the public and media who were listening in on the meeting via teleconference. At that point, Matt Lichtenstein, the news dir... Full story

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