News / Petersburg

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  • Borough transition is moving forward

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Since the formation of the Petersburg Borough, officials have been working to put together a plan to make a smooth transition. The transition will still take the better part of the year to complete. “The first big part of the process is the status of the appeal from Juneau,” Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht said. “We are looking at April or May before this will be finalized.” The City and Borough of Juneau is suing the Local Boundary Commission and the Petersburg Borough due to disagreements on the boundary line drawn for the newly f... Full story

  • PIA accepts resignation from board member Lopez

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association held its first official meeting after the election Thursday evening and one of the first orders of business was to accept the resignation of board member Derek Lopez. Ways in which to fill the vacated seat were tossed about before taking direction from Tlingit Haida rules. “The Tlingit Haida rules state that there are two different ways in which to fill a vacant seat on the board,” PIA Election Committee Judge Fran Jones said. “The selection can come from the candidate that received the next highest numbe... Full story

  • Petersburg ready to aid Wrangell celebration

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The rededication ceremony of Shakes Island and the Chief Shakes Tribal House is scheduled for May 3 and 4 in Wrangell and housing is still needed for the 1,000-plus guests that are expected to attend the festivities. “This is an historical event that is happening in our neighborhood and it is a huge celebration for Wrangell,” Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Manager Sally Dwyer said. “We are attempting to help our neighbor.” Dwyer and Marilyn Menish-Meucci of the Petersburg Visitor Center have contacted the Tides Inn and Scandia House to make su... Full story

  • Ordinance for Transient Room Tax is defeated by Assembly

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Ordinance 2013-2 will have to start all over for approval now that it has been defeated due to confusion regarding combined-price packages. The rate for a combined-price package was computed by charging the transient room tax on 30 percent of the total cost of the package price. Mike Payne of Rocky Point Resort spoke on behalf of lodge owners who charge a combination package price. “We are wanting to make the numbers justifiable for us and make it easier for everybody to figure out,” Payne said. “I would like to propose that each lodge repre...

  • Library progress continues

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Work on the new Petersburg Public Library continues on schedule and work on the inside has begun. “All of the concrete has been poured inside,” Petersburg Borough On-Site Construction Administrator Dan LaForce said. “We even have the upper deck concrete poured and the work on the inside of the building can go along as planned.” According to LaForce, the insulation in the roof is coming along and is scheduled to be finished this week. In an earlier article, it was reported that the floor heating...

  • Manager warns of spike in property thefts

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht has warned the public as a part of the manager’s report during the Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting Tuesday evening that there has been an increase in property crimes, specifically vehicle burglaries in town. “We are encouraging any witness to come forward,” Giesbrecht said. “We would also like to remind everyone to lock their doors and not leave anything of value in your cars.” Giesbrecht explained that there is no explanation for the spike and the police do have some suspects in mind, but it wo...

  • Borough still seeking people to fill vacancies

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough is still seeking letters of interest from qualified borough residents to fill two vacancies on the Assembly; three seats on the hospital board and seven positions on the planning and zoning commission until the regular election in October 2014. Anyone appointed to a vacancy will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement, POFDS, within 30 days of taking office. The Borough is also accepting letters from individuals interested in serving on the Land Selection Committee. “The Borough will r...

  • Petersburg Schools to improve crisis response plan

    Greg Knight|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg School Board has hired Marcus Hom of Dark Horse Defense to improve the school district’s Crisis Response Plan. Hom is the manager and lead instructor for Dark Horse Defense. He has experience in law enforcement and security, working as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer, Reserve Municipal Police Officer and Private Security officer. Hom also holds instructor certifications from both the National Rifle Association and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, FLETC. Petersburg Schools Superintendent Rob Thomason stated that ... Full story

  • School Board appoints three to vacant seats

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg School Board appointed members to the vacant seats on the board during the regular meeting Tuesday evening. Dawn Ware, Sarah Holmgrain and John Bringhurst took the positions and were sworn in. Term lengths were drawn for and Jean Ellis and Holmgrain will hold their positions until 2016, Cheryl File and Bringhurst will hold their offices until 2015 and Ware drew the short term of 2014. Ellis was also voted as president of the school board with Holmgrain taking the vice president nomination and File will serve as secretary. “We a...

  • Final vote count for PIA is complete

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association met Monday evening for a final election canvas and to swear in new members in attendance. The final tally for the PIA chair position was 53 votes for Tina Sakamoto and 33 for Mike Sheldon. The board positions go to Jeannette Ness with 75, Melanie Frentz-Hallingstad with 71, Skip Hallingstad with 67 and Carol Martinez and Darnell Wilton come in with 23 and 20 votes. Sakamoto, Ness and Frentz-Hallingstad are incumbents taking seats with Hallingstad taking a seat... Full story

  • Losing Big Petersburg to begin in February

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    A version of the Biggest Loser, called Losing Big Petersburg will be sponsored by the Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department beginning in February and the public is encouraged to put their voting power to work for the event. “I have done one of these programs in another city,” Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Hayes said. “It was successful there and I think our little community will embrace this event.” Hayes is hoping this event will become a recurring program that will ta...

  • First baby of the New Year

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    Jesse Roundtree and Desiree Watkins brought Jesse Lyle Roundtree, Jr. into the world at 1:15 p.m. Jan. 5 to be the first baby of the New Year in Petersburg. Jesse Jr. was born at Ketchikan General Hospital in the New Beginnings Birthing Center. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 ¾ inches long. Watkins arrived in Ketchikan Dec. 21 with a due date of Jan. 1, 2013. Proud grandparents are Tonya and late Patrick Roundtree of Petersburg and Carin and Greg Richter of Prince of Wales. Watkins is...

  • Report offers sobering assessment on AK spending

    Jan 17, 2013

    JUNEAU (AP) — Alaska would face a budget deficit of $920 million if spending for next year matched that of the current year, a report released Monday states. The Legislative Finance Division report offers a sobering look at the state's fiscal situation amid declining oil production and lower oil prices. It was released a day before the start of the new legislative session. The price of oil would have to be an estimated $105 a barrel for the governor's proposed new budget to balance — and that is before lawmakers get to work on it. As rec...

  • Smaller quakes shake area Monday

    Jan 17, 2013

    Two smaller aftershocks from the magnitude 7.5 quake from last Friday shook the coastal area Monday morning, Jan. 14, and again in the evening, according to the Alaska Earthquake Information Center. The source of the shake was located 68 miles WSW of Craig and measured a magnitude 5.49 ML at 5:55 a.m. Alaska Standard Time. It was felt in Petersburg but no emergency evacuations were ordered. That evening at 5:56 p.m. another tremor measuring 4.06 ML was recorded. Its epicenter was located 66 miles WSW of Craig. According to the USGS website,...

  • An earthquake shakes Petersburg sending residents to higher ground

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg residents began seeking higher ground after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 hit just before midnight Friday evening. This major earthquake struck 58 miles west of Craig and 203 miles south of Juneau and immediately prompted a tsunami warning for almost the entire southeast region of Alaska. “After realizing this was an earthquake, I immediately grabbed the phone and called dispatch, knowing they would be inundated with calls,” Petersburg EMS Director Sandy Dixson said. “I just... Full story

  • Petersburg Police Chief and Sergeant announce retirement

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner and Petersburg Police Sergeant Heidi Agner announced their intention to retire at the end of May. “Jim and Heidi Agner have put in for their official retirement,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “This will be effective as of May and the Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht would like to use a firm that he is familiar with to conduct the process of replacing the police chief.” The hiring of the firm will cost $7,500 up front and a total of up to $30,000 for their services. The firm of Brimeyer Fursman... Full story

  • King joins Petersburg Police Department

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Newly sworn in Petersburg Police Officer Ben King comes to Petersburg from Boise, Idaho. King has worked in the Department of Corrections for the State of Idaho for the past six years, was a part of the emergency response team and served as squad leader for that specialized team using special weapons and tactics. “I am certified in basic firearms tactics, combat firearms, arrest techniques and hold various instructorship in tactical disciplines,” King stated. “In corrections, I was able to wo... Full story

  • Ocean Beauty repairs are well underway

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Repairs to the Ocean Beauty Seafoods processing plant are almost complete and the plant will be up and running again for the 2013 season after the Alaska Marine Highway M/V Matanuska ran into the Ocean Beauty Seafoods plant in May of 2012 and damaged the facility enough to close processing for the season. “The work is almost 100 percent complete and we are pleased with the way the repair process has gone,” Ocean Beauty Vice President of Marketing Tom Sunderland said. “The floors, walls and s...

  • A reception to be held for new borough constituents

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    A welcome reception for the old and new constituents of the Petersburg Borough is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 15 from noon to 3 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers. “This will be a good opportunity to talk about things and see what the people want,” Assembly member Sue Flint stated. “We have heard good things on both sides of the issue and there are a lot of decisions to be made and we need more than just the six of us.” Flint explained that issues regarding APOC filing, special elections, meeting dates and times and taxes and advisory boards...

  • Borough seeks letters of interest for vacant positions

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The newly formed Petersburg Borough Assembly is seeking letters of interest from qualified borough residents to fill borough vacancies until the first regular borough election in October of 2014. “We are in need of two people to fill assembly seats,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen said. “We also need three for the hospital board and seven for the planning commission.” Anyone appointed to a vacancy will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement within 30 days of taking office. “There are many positions...

  • Sullivan will make a return trip to Poland

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg High School senior, Maura Sullivan returned home in July after a year long exchange student experience in Poland. “I lived in Warsaw, the capital and I loved it,” Sullivan said. “But coming from Petersburg to the capital where there are almost two million people was quite a culture shock.” Sullivan went into this experience with only a few phrases of Polish to her credit and enjoyed every moment of her time in Poland. “I didn’t really speak any Polish except for a couple of phrases an...

  • Energy roundtable to be held in Petersburg

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Robert Venable, Energy Coordinator, Southeast Conference, is interested in conducting a Stakeholders Roundtable to discuss the hydro resources in and around the Thomas Bay and southeast Alaska region that would benefit the area. “We had some discussion about this back in November at the last Alaska Municipal League meeting in Anchorage,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen said. “This has materialized from that discussion.” Venable has volunteered to facilitate this roundtable discussion and has been calling on people from the differe...

  • Assembly appoints Nelson and Jensen to SEAPA Board

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg has traditionally appointed the Power and Light Superintendent, Joe Nelson as the voting member of Southeast Alaska Power Authority, SEAPA. The Petersburg Borough has received one letter of interest to take the alternate position on this board, held by Ted Smith. John Jensen has applied for the spot. Jensen has served as a member of the SEAPA Board in the past and is currently a member of the Thomas Bay Power Authority Board. “Without any objections from the assembly,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “I would like to ap...

  • Rotary Club corks Vessel Owners in bell ringing

    Jan 10, 2013

    The Petersburg Rotary Club assumed the top bell ringing honors this year after an anonymous $500 donation to the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle was made last week, according to Lt. Caleb Fankhauser. Previously, the Petersburg Vessel Owners fundraising total was $2,960.72, but the Petersburg Rotary Club donation pushed their collections from $2,547.36 to $3,047.36. Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas programs this year that surpassed the $16,600 mark, according to Fankhauser. All funds donated to...

  • First ordinances of the Petersburg Borough are approved

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The newly formed Petersburg Borough Assembly approved, for a first reading, the first three ordinances to be put in place. Ordinance #2013-1 is an ordinance providing for an area wide sales tax in the amount of six percent throughout the Petersburg Borough. The Petersburg Borough Charter designates that sales and use taxes can be levied on an area wide basis. Ordinance #2013-2 provides for an area wide transient room tax in the amount of four percent throughout the Petersburg Borough and...

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