News / Petersburg

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  • City Council discusses utility rate hike

    Suzanne Ashe|May 24, 2012

    The City Council on Monday voted to draft an ordinance adopting a new utility rate hike for water, wastewater and sewer services. An outside consultant presented a detailed analysis of the water, sewer, and sanitation systems financial forecast. Each year the city reviews revenues as part of its budget process, but with major capital projects looming on the horizon for wastewater, the Assistant Public Works director Chris Cotta said a more detailed analysis was necessary for a number of reasons. “One is that operating costs are expected to r...

  • Fire House dedicated during Little Norway Festival

    Suzanne Ashe|May 24, 2012

    Community members flocked on Saturday to the grand opening of the new fire hall. The recently completed volunteer fire department Station One was a $6.7 million Capital Fund project. The new facility replaces the older, smaller downtown location. “I was reflecting on the dreams we've had about having a facility that met the needs of the volunteer fire department here. I think it started in the 60s or something,” said Mayor Al Dwyer. “They even had a drawing, an artist rendering in 1978, when I s...

  • Salmon derby starts Friday; no tagged fish this year

    May 24, 2012

    The 31st Annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce King Salmon Derby gets underway this Friday morning at 7 a.m. The derby continues through the Memorial Day Weekend and ends Monday at 5 p.m. No tagged fish will be available for anglers this year however. Derby Committee member Doug Welde reported volunteers in as many as seven participating boats were unable to catch two King Salmon to tag on Wednesday morning near Frederick Point. The tagged fish could normally bring a derby angler a chance at $5,000 from Hammer and Wikan and the other could...

  • Petersburg Community Foundation names grant recipients

    Suzanne Ashe|May 24, 2012

    The Petersburg Community Foundation on Saturday awarded $7,000 in competitive grants to local organizations and a $5,000 discretionary grant to the new City Library. The announcements were made at a donor event held at Glorianne Wollen's home, amidst the busy Little Norway Festival weekend. Foundation board member Liz Cabrera made the announcements and handed out the checks for the third cycle of grant fund bequeathments. The recipients of the competitive grants include: $2,500 to the Clausen...

  • Alaska Supreme Court orders interim redistricting plan

    Suzanne Ashe|May 24, 2012

    A divided Alaska Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered an interim redistricting plan due to the fast-approaching 2012 elections. This action prompted the Petersburg City Council to meet in an emergency session on Wednesday to decide the city’s next step in this on-going legal battle. This means the Redistricting board will have to go back to an earlier map until after the elections. This would put Petersburg back in Proclamation District 32 with downtown Juneau, Douglas, Tenakee Springs, Gustavus and Skagway. The district is currently represented b...

  • LBC to hold public hearings on Borough issue

    May 24, 2012

    The Local Boundary Commission will hold a series of public meetings to discuss the proposed Petersburg City dissolution and Borough Incorporation. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 30 at 9 a.m. in Council Chambers and will be continued on Friday, June 1 at 3 p.m. in Council Chambers. The hearing and decisional meeting agendas are available from the LBC staff by calling Brent Williams at 907-269-4559, or Don Burrell at 907-269-4587, by emailing All petitions are available for review at Petersburg City Hall, or...

  • Kake-Petersburg Road stays on Governor's budget

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    On Monday, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell signed into law three budget bills for Fiscal Year 2013 appropriating an estimated $870 million for transportation. Among the budget items is the allocation of $40 million for the controversial Kake-Petersburg Road. Many residents from the cities of Petersburg and Kupreanof sounded off during the last City Council meeting. They asked for city action toward a line-item veto of the project. The council voted in favor of drafting a resolution, but there wasn’t enough time to send it out. Kupreanof Mayor D...

  • Little Norway Festival expected to bring big crowds

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    Let your inner-Norwegian out. The Little Norway Festival begins today. The annual event celebrates Syttende Mai, or May 17, the signing of Norway's Constitution in 1814. Petersburg has been formally celebrating the occasion since 1958. The celebration includes live music, food, traditional dance, art receptions, softball and the return of the Viking/Valkyrie jail. Activities run from Thursday to Sunday. “We are bringing back the classics,” said Little Norway Chair Holli Flint. “The Style Show,...

  • New city logo and branding coming to Petersburg

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    What's in a name? The Petersburg Economic Development Council (PEDC) hopes the name Petersburg will translate into increased tourism and economic growth thanks to new city branding. The PEDC, members of the Chamber of Commerce, and several city employees, gathered last week to see the latest artwork and slogans for a new city branding effort that is designed to entice visitors, businesses and new residents. The desire to create a Petersburg logo and slogan began about a decade ago, said PEDC...

  • School board passes $8.7 million balanced budget

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    The Petersburg School District Board unanimously approved the $8.7 million balanced budget Tuesday night. The budget calls for 78 percent of the funding to come from the state and foundation, 20 percent from city and the remaining 2 percent in local revenues comes from various grants and donations. The expenditures for next year have not changed much from FY12. The district is expected to spend 72 percent of its budget on instruction. The remaining budget goes toward heating, maintenance, landscaping, equipment and other costs. “To have a b...

  • U.S. Forest Service continues talks with public regarding stewardship contracts

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    The U.S. Forest Service continues to host a series of meetings with members of the community to discuss the possibilities of a stewardship contract in connection with the Tonka Timber sale. Forest Ranger Jason Anderson initiated, and is facilitating, the workshops to gain a better understanding of what the public wants. “It's just a chance to have some communication, discussion regarding a broad range of projects,” said Anderson. “A chance for people to have a creative dialogue about what they want from their landscape,” he added. The sale wi...

  • PHS garners US News and World Report recognition

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    Petersburg High School was recently ranked by the publication US News and World Report, receiving a Bronze award for academic achievement and college preparedness. US News and World Report and the Washington D.C.-based American Institute compiled the high schools rankings for Research. More than U.S. 21,000 high schools were analyzed based on how well the school served the students, not only those who are college-bound, but also students who showed measurable academic progress across a wide...

  • Redistricting board redraws southeast Alaska

    May 17, 2012

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The Alaska Redistricting Board on Monday made what its executive director called significant changes to southeast Alaska's political boundaries in an effort to win court approval for the plan. Taylor Bickford said the board adopted new districts that pair state Reps. Cathy Munoz, R-Juneau, and Bill Thomas, R-Haines, together. Reps. Peggy Wilson, R-Wrangell, and Kyle Johansen, R-Ketchikan, who had previously been paired, would no longer be. Sens. Bert Stedman, R-Sitka, and Albert Kookesh, D-Angoon, would remain paired. T...

  • North Dakota becomes nation's second-leading oil producer

    May 17, 2012

    BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) _ North Dakota has passed Alaska to become the second-leading oil-producing state in the nation, trailing only Texas. State Mineral Resources Director Lynn Helms tells the Grand Forks Herald that North Dakota oil production in March averaged 575,490 barrels daily, another record. The crude is coming from a record 6,636 wells. Alaska saw its production fall to 567,481 barrels per day in March. North Dakota was the ninth-largest oil-producing state just six years ago, but the state's oil production has nearly quadrupled since...

  • Matanuska hits Ocean Beauty dock

    Ron Loesch and Suzanne Ashe|May 10, 2012

    PETERSBURG — The Alaska Marine Highway ferry Matanuska crashed into the face of the Ocean Beauty Seafoods dock in Petersburg at 1:00 p.m. Monday. The M/V Matanuska was negotiating a turn in Wrangell Narrows prior to the accident as it prepared to dock at the Petersburg ferry terminal on its southbound trip. Heavy damage was sustained to the face of the Ocean Beauty dock. Dock piling were broken and the hydraulic crane was dangling over the water. In addition to the dock damage, the second f...

  • Passengers barely felt impact of crash into Ocean Beauty dock

    Suzanne Ashe|May 10, 2012

    Passengers of the M/V Matanuska said they barely felt the impact when the ferry crashed into Ocean Beauty Seafoods on Monday. None of the 60 passengers aboard the M/V Matanuska were injured when the incident occurred around 1 p.m. According to Petersburg resident John Bringhurst, who was a passenger at the time, the impact was barely felt from the observation deck where he was standing. “I was a little distracted. I was talking to my wife,” Bringhurst said as the M/V Matanuska began a 360-degree turn. “Then my wife said, 'John, what is he do...

  • City awards $3.9 million library construction contract

    Suzanne Ashe|May 10, 2012

    The City Council on Monday awarded ASRC McGraw Constructors the construction bid for the new library. The Library Building Committee recommended low bidder ASRC McGraw Constructors for the project. ASRC McGraw was one of five bids that came well under the $4.5 million estimated cost. The bid will also allow for additional features such at higher quality finishes to the building, a paved parking lot as well as sidewalks and gutters. The single story, 9,770 square-foot building was designed by MRV Architects in Juneau. The City Council...

  • City manager's report: Residents can pay utilities online

    Suzanne Ashe|May 10, 2012

    Petersburg residents can now pay their utility bills online. A new program allows utility customers to register their accounts and then pay monthly bills on the web site with a credit card. Customers can log on to verify their accounts with an account number and either a meter number or phone number associated with the account. “The new program will let customers view usage and billing history for themselves,” said City Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported to the City Council on Monday. He also noted that online bill pay offers the added con...

  • Locals speak out against Kake-Petersburg Road project at City Council meeting

    Suzanne Ashe|May 10, 2012

    Frustrated by the lack of public forum regarding proposed funding for the Kake-Petersburg Road, Petersburg and Kupreanof City residents spoke out against the project during Monday night's City Council meeting. Petersburg resident Mike Stainbrook submitted a letter to the council that contained a sample resolution asking Governor Sean Parnell for a line item veto of the road. “This funding requires a bold reaction. A request for veto,” he said. The 50-mile road was added to the state budget by Senator Bert Stedman as part of $870 million in tra...

  • Main street project to be discussed at Chamber retail committee meeting

    May 10, 2012

    Diane Powell from the Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities will be at the Retail Committee meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, along with one of the engineers for the Main Street project and Karl Hagerman from the city public works department. The meeting will be held Thursday, May 10 at 8:30 am at the Chamber of Commerce conference room. According to the Chamber, ADOT-PF is flying down for this meeting as they need to get signed easements from all of the affected businesses and want to give an update on the proposed project....

  • Alaska canneries can hire foreign workers for now

    May 10, 2012

    KODIAK, Alaska (AP) — Canneries in Alaska can continue to hire foreign workers until at least November under the J-1 Summer Work and Travel Program. The visa program brings more than 100,000 foreign college students to the Unites States each year. The State Department announced Friday it is making major changes to its premier student-exchange program. U.S. Sens. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich of Alaska lauded the decision, saying it was paramount to keeping canneries in Alaska operating. KMXT says a last minute decision would have l...

  • NMFS monitors Petersburg gillnetters

    May 10, 2012

    PETERSBURG (AP) — Observers hired by the National Marine Fisheries Service will monitor commercial fishermen catching salmon with drift gillnets near Petersburg and Wrangell starting next month. KFSK-FM reports contract observers will use 23-foot boats to follow gillnetters for the season that typically starts mid-June and runs through September. They'll be watching for interaction between fishermen and marine mammals or seabirds, and observing fishing practices. Fishermen have concerns. Some fear catch information could be shared by o...

  • High court to hear redistricting petition

    May 10, 2012

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The Alaska Supreme Court plans to hear arguments Thursday on whether a redistricting plan that sparked a legal fight should be used for this year's elections. The Alaska Redistricting Board petitioned the court to have the plan, with some changes, used. An attorney for the board has said there's insufficient time for a new plan to clear all necessary hurdles in time for the elections. The board drafted a new plan but it was rejected by a lower court judge. The board appealed that decision. Taylor Bickford, the board's e...

  • Piston and Rudder holds first shareholder annual meeting

    May 10, 2012

    Piston and Rudder president Mike Luhr opened the company’s first annual meeting of shareholders by displaying the Business of the Year plaque awarded to the company by the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was convened Tuesday afternoon at the Tides Inn conference room. He then proceeded to update the 17 shareholders in attendance of the ongoing projects and work that had been completed during the first year of operation. The shipyard hauled 105 boats in 2011 and as of the current w...

  • School board presents balanced 2012/13 budget

    Suzanne Ashe|May 3, 2012

    School Superintendent Rob Thomason presented a balanced budget to City officials on April 25 during a budget work session. No changes were made to the recently drafted Petersburg School District 2012/2013 operating budget. “Over the years we've had great directors, we've had a very supportive city, we've had staffs that have negotiated agreements that were fair and equitable, and we've been able to do some very wise spending … and so we're in better shape than just about all of our colleague districts,” Thomason said. The projected opera...

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