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  • Guest Editorial: Governor's sales tax doesn't make sense

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Apr 27, 2023

    Alaska is 30 years into state budget deficits, borrowing billions from savings to pay the bills. Gov. Mike Dunleavy is five years into the job, still pledging mega Permanent Fund dividends even if the money isn’t there. Three months ago, Dunleavy in his State of the State address couldn’t even manage to acknowledge the need for a long-term fiscal plan, despite the budget math that adds up otherwise. Then the governor had an epiphany last week. Not a religious one, a fiscal one. He said the word “taxes.” Only he didn’t say it in public. T...

  • To the Editor

    Apr 20, 2023

    Not particularly for or against a new hospital To the Editor: Let me start by saying I am not particularly for or against a new hospital but there are some things that I believe send up red flags. Back in the 70s, when the present day hospital was being considered, one of the selling points was that this modern day facility would make Petersburg a “healthcare destination.“ It would have operating rooms, the latest technology. That never worked out. An on-call anesthesiologist was not practical nor the housing needed for patients like lar...

  • Guest Commentary: My report on Petersburg Borough human resources practices and procedures

    Thomas Fine-Walsh, Assembly Member|Apr 20, 2023

    In light of the recent ruling issued by the Alaska Supreme Court in the case filed by the family of Molly Parks, I think it is important to provide an update to our community about what has been done in the time since the tragic events of July 4, 2016. I know this is very much on everyone’s mind right now and I have given it a great deal of thought myself trying to figure how best to help. I have spoken with the Parks family, I have met with and interviewed borough administration, and I have reached out to municipal administrators in neigh...

  • To the Editor

    Apr 13, 2023

    Serious scrutiny needed To the Editor: When we think about our rapidly growing national debt, it is wise to remember that the vast majority of the money owed has been spent on bad ideas that never would have gotten anywhere in the first place if not for the illusion of prosperity that comes from having money that has largely been created out of thin air. Our politicians at every level of government are happy to spend money on the various bad ideas presented to them to ensure that the grateful voters who receive it will return them to their...

  • To the Editor

    Apr 6, 2023

    Thanks for going above and beyond To the Editor: I want to take a moment to recognize someone who went above and beyond for the youth of our community. Mike Corl was the driving force behind the newly formed Mitkof Yggdrasil Wrestling Club. Mike, with the help of Levi Entz for the K-2nd grade kids, and Bill Schroepfer and Eldon Walker for the 3rd - 5th grade kids, along with James Valentine filling in while Mike was traveling with the Middle School wrestlers, all gave up their evenings three days a week to teach our children the fundamentals...

  • Guest Editorial:

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Apr 6, 2023

    Three-term Nikiski Rep. Ben Carpenter is right, the state needs a sustainable, long-term fiscal plan. Give him credit for raising the issue. Talk of a balanced fiscal plan has lingered since 1990 — before several of today’s legislators were even born. The discussion about diversifying Alaska’s economy has lasted even longer, ever since the first oil started flowing from Prudhoe Bay in 1977 and we tried using the riches to expand the state’s economy and job opportunities beyond crude. But unless new business activity produces oil, any new indust...

  • Capitol Updates

    Rebecca Himschoot, Representative|Apr 6, 2023

    ­Dear Friends and Neighbors: Things in Juneau have slowed in some ways and accelerated in others. There are fewer stakeholder meetings at the moment, but more bills are on the move, and this week we will be considering the operating budget on the House Floor. It’s never slow in the Capitol! On Education — In the House Fisheries Committee on Tuesday, March 28th, we again heard HB 95, NATL. RES. WATER NOMINATION/DESIGNATION, a bill that would codify the legislative process as the way to designate an outstanding natural resource water or tier...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 30, 2023

    If one member of a family is ill, the family is ill The the Editor: I submit the following letter, meant to be a holiday letter to friends and family. The following is an offering meant to enlighten our community regarding the trainwreck that is this dastardly disease of dementia that can hit an average family like ours. Her mind was clear and strong once, though some may have been uncertain when I was chosen, but she knew her way to love, and maybe I was in or maybe on her way. Sitting next to her in a 1962 college speech class was the...

  • Guest Editorial: Losing billions gets Legislature's attention

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Mar 30, 2023

    It’s embarrassing that it took billions of dollars in losses for some legislators to acknowledge that the state’s fiscal house is leaking worse than a broken downspout on a Southeast Alaska roof. It’s too bad Gov. Mike Dunleavy acts like he has barely noticed the growing pool of mud at his feet. Start with the Permanent Fund, which generates investment earnings that have become the largest single source of revenue in the state budget. Last year was painful for most every investor, and Alaska was not immune to the downturn. The fund dropp...

  • Guest Commentary: Alaska's childcare crisis is too costly to ignore

    Charles L. Westmoreland and Blue Shibler|Mar 30, 2023

    Members of Alaska’s House Finance Committee struggled with a vote to pass a budget amendment that would go far to improve the historically low wages child care providers earn in Alaska. Members of the full body will likely have one more opportunity to make things right next week when floor votes are held on amendments to the state’s operating budget. An amendment introduced to bolster the childcare sector by adding $7.5 million to be used for provider wages fell short by a single vote despite having bipartisan support. The amendment ori...

  • Capitol Updates

    Representative Rebecca Himschoot|Mar 30, 2023

    ­Dear Friends and Neighbors: The Gold Medal Basketball Tournament last week was a welcome break from the Capitol and I enjoyed spending time with constituents watching some outstanding basketball. Congratulations to Hydaburg for playing with incredible heart against Southeast’s biggest city in the championship game – regardless of outcome, it was inspiring to watch all the teams play with such sportsmanship. On SNAP Benefits — As many of you have heard, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides food benefits to low-in...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 23, 2023

    Educational systems are vital infrastructure To the Editor: I appreciated Dave Ellis’ letter you printed a few issues ago. Dave’s letters have always caused me to pause and think. For what it’s worth, what I’m thinking about now is ongoing discussions about payouts from our Alaska Permanent Fund. When I arrived in Petersburg in the mid-1970s I had no “marketable” skills, but there was plenty of work as long as there was fish to process. After a few years crewing on seiners, I took advantage of a state loan program for secondary education which...

  • Guest Editorial: Legislative voices of reason are talking louder

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Mar 23, 2023

    After years of legislative debate over the size of the Permanent Fund dividend, reasonable voices are starting to grow louder, maybe even hopefully strong enough to outvote the irresponsible catcalls for an unaffordable dividend. It’s a welcome change. A bill in the House would restore dividend sanity by setting the free-money check at a percentage of the annual draw of Permanent Fund earnings, producing about a $1,300 PFD this year and growing from there. That would be about equal to the average dividend of the past decade, before the e...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 9, 2023

    Knocking Down the Berm To the Editor: When I had lived in town for 17 years Sue Paulsen introduced me to someone as a long term resident of Petersburg. I have lived here 37 years now. In all those years, whether new to town or “a long-time resident” there have always been boys on four-wheels, young men in jeeps, neighbors with pick-ups and the guys from the city, happy to knock down the snow berm in front of our home. It took four separate guys today. Thanks to all the guys over the years and the community of Petersburg. Sincerely, Bill Moulton...

  • Guest Editorial: State helps feed Alaskans, but it took too long

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Mar 9, 2023

    State officials have known for months that delays in processing applications for food stamp benefits were denying financial assistance to thousands of eligible households — including children — who needed help to afford three meals a day. There were multiple explanations: Longstanding staffing shortages, a cyberattack on the computer system two years ago, more paperwork and income verification requirements after the state ended its pandemic emergency declaration months earlier. But children cannot swallow explanations, especially ones far pas...

  • Capitol Updates

    Representative Rebecca Himschoot|Mar 9, 2023

    ­Dear Friends and Neighbors: I was encouraged to see the support for HJR 5 during the House Floor session on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. The resolution urging the Federal Government and the State of Alaska to continue to defend the troll fishery and do what they can to keep the fishery open, passed by a vote of 35 to 1. It is clear my colleagues in the House will join me in doing everything within our power to keep the troll fleet fishing. The resolution now goes to the Senate for consideration. I am hopeful that the resolution will send a...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 2, 2023

    Management failure of the Golden King Crab fishery To the Editor: I am one of 24 golden king crabbers in Petersburg. Our Petersburg fleet dominates the fishery and has relied heavily upon the golden crab resource in times of abundance. As the 2023 golden crab season comes to an end, Petersburg needs to know what really happened. The 2023 golden king crab GHL (Guideline Harvest Level) for Frederick Sound was set at 13,255 pounds by ADFG several months ago. Your fleet was very disappointed with the historically low number as we saw large numbers...

  • Guest Editorial Sen. Murkowski is in the right lane

    Larry Persily|Mar 2, 2023

    Alaska’s senior U.S. senator — and former state legislator — Lisa Murkowski addressed a joint session of the Legislature last week, covering the usual issues of oil and gas, economic development and lots of federal dollars for local projects. Her remarks were pretty routine for anyone who has listened to the annual speeches at the Capitol by Alaska’s two senators over the decades. That’s the comforting thing about Alaska politics — the issues don’t change much. We’re like an old TV sitcom where the characters don’t age and the same problems...

  • Capitol Updates

    Mar 2, 2023

    ­Dear Friends and Neighbors: The House Education Committee heard an introduction of HB 65, INCREASE BASE STUDENT ALLOCATION on Monday, February 20th. The hearing was the first, of what I hope will be many, hearings on this critical piece of legislation. I will be sure to let you know when there is an opportunity for public testimony on this bill. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me regarding this bill or any other bills we are considering in committee. On February 22, 2023, the Senate joined the House for a Joint Session for the pur...

  • Guest Editorial: Governor's wise move to help fill vacant state jobs

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Feb 23, 2023

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy made a smart decision last week when he issued an administrative order directing state personnel officials to review and change job requirements where appropriate so that applicants could more easily substitute “practical experience” for a college degree. Almost one in six state government jobs were vacant in December, according to the governor’s Office of Management and Budget. The most empty desks were at one of the most important agencies: Almost one in four positions at the Department of Natural Resources were vacan...

  • To the Editor

    Feb 16, 2023

    Reads Act funding and PFD taxation To the Editor: I met with Representative Himschoot on Super Bowl Sunday to chat about the Alaska Reads Act. I pointed out that parts of the Act include unfunded mandates and she agreed. In discussion, I realized there are three logical sources from which the funds can be had: Permanent Fund, State Income Tax or local sources. Representative Himschoot did not endorse any of my funding suggestions, but she did point out that it would be unfair for a state mandated program to require local funding. I pointed out...

  • Guest Editorial: Stop calling it a dividend, maybe stop paying taxes

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Feb 16, 2023

    There might be a way to avoid federal income taxes on the Alaska Permanent Fund dividend. But it would mean admitting that the annual payment to Alaskans is a political decision not at all tied to earnings of the savings account. It could mean changing the name of the PFD to Popular Fall Distribution, to truly disassociate the money from the fund’s investment earnings. If it means avoiding federal income tax on the money, we could learn to call the annual payment most anything. It would mean changing state law. And it would mean discarding the...

  • Capitol Updates

    Feb 16, 2023

    ­Dear Friends and Neighbors: On February 8, 2023, the Committee on Committees met and I was placed on the House Special Committee on Fisheries, which includes the Fish and Game Budget Subcommittee. I take my role on these committees very seriously. If you have input on the Fish and Game budget and/or topics considered by the special committee, I welcome your input. It has been heartening to see Southeast Alaskans, who know and rely on commercial, sport and subsistence fishing, work together for the trollers as they face down a major threat to...

  • Guest Editorial: The math is easy; the politics are hard

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Feb 9, 2023

    Getting caught between a rock and a hard place is easier. At least you can rent a backhoe and move the rock. Getting politically caught between more money for public schools and even more money for the Permanent Fund dividend will be the hardest place for legislators this year. The vote will come down to which is more important for Alaska: A long-needed, substantial increase in state funding for public schools, or the governor’s proposed supersized Happy Meal of a nearly $4,000 Permanent Fund dividend? But putting the dividend first and school...

  • Capitol Updates

    Feb 9, 2023

    ­Dear Friends and Neighbors: I write this first update to House District 2 from my office on the 4th floor of the Capitol. It is hard to believe, but the legislative session is already in full swing. In addition to attending floor sessions and committee meetings this week, I had the privilege of meeting with some of my constituents and I enjoyed participating in Southeast Conference. As a member of the House Community and Regional Affairs Committee, this week I was proud to support moving...

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