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  • Editorial

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Mar 26, 2020

    If you've got to ride-out a worldwide pandemic, there's no better place than in Petersburg. We're isolated on an island along the edge of the Pacific Ocean, giving us a lot of protection from the spread of COVID-19. With appropriate precautions, followed by all of us, we can get through this. Store managers tell us that shoppers have been respectful of social distancing while in the stores. More and more shoppers are phoning in orders and having them delivered to their homes, avoiding the...

  • To the Editor:

    Mar 26, 2020

    Be nice people To the Editor: I've seen a lot of bashing on social media lately... this is not a time to panic and lash out at others. I personally feel like our community is doing a great job of being proactive about this whole situation we are all in. On that note.... it's simple. Stay home, don't go outside for anything if you feel so inclined but we live in Southeast Alaska for a reason. Some of us have boats, cabins, we love beachcombing, camping, etc. That does not mean we don't take it...

  • Guest Commentary

    Mike Dunleavy, Governor|Mar 19, 2020

    As our nation and the world experiences the life-altering impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic, I wanted to take a moment to speak to you directly. If you’ve followed our many press conferences this week, you know that Alaska is rapidly preparing for an outbreak, and that an emergency was declared prior to our first confirmed case. Now that the inevitable first case has occurred, our schools are safely closed, testing requirements have been liberalized, and steps have been taken to protect our seniors. Visitation has been suspended or l...

  • Editorial:

    Ron Loesch, Publisher|Mar 19, 2020

    In just two weeks the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in which we live. Sheltering in place and social distancing are the new means of protecting us, and others, from person-to-person contact with the virus, which for the elderly could be fatal. With this in mind, we are taking action to protect our employees, and our customers from potential COVID-19 transmission. Our office supply store and newspaper office will be closed to walk-in customers effective today (Thursday) at 1 p.m. Orders for office supplies can be taken over the phone,...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 19, 2020

    Services suspended To the Editor: There will be no public celebration of Mass across the Diocese of Juneau or other large gatherings effective through Friday, March 27. This includes all public Liturgies, Masses, Benedictions, Stations of the Cross, faith formation classes, and other types of church activities. Today’s directive was made for the common good and for the people of God entrusted to our care - many of whom are considered high risk and vulnerable. In light of my directive, I want to let you know that you are temporarily dispensed f...

  • Editorial: No P&R board needed

    Ron Loesch, Publisher|Mar 12, 2020

    We hope the Petersburg Borough Assembly doesn't re-establish the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. According to Borough Clerk Debra Thompson the board was abolished in late 2014. When the Petersburg Borough was formed, the assembly voted on the continuation of each board and commission in place under the auspices of the City of Petersburg. The borough assembly never established the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The mere fact that the Parks and Recreation Department has survived for...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 12, 2020

    To the Editor: The Assembly support of the Kake/Petersburg road sends a message to the Dept. of Transportation that roads are more important than the Alaska Marine Highway System. So now we will have a 40-million-dollar road going no-where and two ferry terminals to no-where. Dale Bosworth...

  • Guest Commentary

    Bert Stedman, Senator|Mar 5, 2020

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly recently considered a resolution urging the Legislature to re-appropriate money from a critical $40 million Kake-Petersburg road project to the Alaska Marine Highway System. This engages in an unnecessary ferry versus road debate at a time when we're pursuing all avenues of transportation for Southeast Alaska: ferries, airports and roads. Some points to consider: • Road funding from the 2012 capital appropriation for the road cannot be used for ferries. • It can...

  • To the Editor

    Feb 27, 2020

    Kake/Kupreanof road To the Editor: The assembly will be considering a resolution on the Kake/Kupreanof road next week. No matter what happens some people will be upset at the final vote. Either way, I hope the public sends their thoughts on the Kake project to the State House Finance Committee, housefinance@akleg.gov. (Or visit the LIO for assistance submitting comments!) Considering the project was initially funded with no public hearing at the state level, a project with murky purpose and a...

  • Guest Commentary

    Feb 20, 2020

    Decades ago, the Alaska Marine Highway System was a pillar of the state’s transportation network. Alaskans and visitors alike piled onto ferries running up and down the Inside Passage for a trip that was a little adventurous, a little luxurious — Dining rooms! Staterooms! Bars on board! — and close enough to the cost of driving through Canada that they were a strong contender for traveler dollars. Fast forward to the present, and the system is in grave danger of falling to pieces. Its only operating vessel until early March is the MV Lituy...

  • To the Editor

    Feb 20, 2020

    Thank you coaches To the Editor: I grew up without men named Coach Caulum, Coach Olsen, Coach Hammer, Coach Mason or Coach Davidson. These are men who volunteer their time to turn undisciplined boys and girls into polite hardworking focused young men and women. I recently traveled to Juneau to watch my two great grandsons wrestle for the Vikings. I was so proud to be a part of this community. The wrestlers represented us with courage, effort and sportsmanship. They had me shouting my support, celebrating wins and wiping tears at honorable...

  • Guest Commentary: Kake Access Road

    Feb 13, 2020

    Editor's Note: The following was received from Sen. Bert Stedman's office. January 28, 2020 Honorable Governor Mike Dunleavy Office of the Governor Dear Mr. Dunleavy, Welcome back to Juneau. We extend our best wishes in the upcoming session. As the Mayor of the City of Kake, I would like to show our support for the Kake Access Road. Having a road connection to Petersburg is very important in keeping Kake viable in these important times. It will give us an opportunity to increase the quality of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 13, 2020

    Stedman should put ferries first To the Editor: As residents of the towns near the proposed Kake Road, we firmly oppose it. The $40 million raised for this "road to nowhere" should instead support the return of the Alaska Marine Highway System to our coastal Alaskan communities struggling without ferry service. It is one thing to waste taxpayer money on a project no one is asking for, and another to do so while claiming funding for vitally needed and popular ferry services doesn't exist. This...

  • To the Editor

    Feb 6, 2020

    No ferry coverage To the Editor: I am surprised the paper did not have any news of the only mainline ferry in service being cancelled for two weeks. I am certain if the Seward Highway was closed for two weeks it would be in the news everyday. You did have plenty of coverage of the "road to nowhere." Dale Bosworth State income tax To the Editor: It's time for a state individual income tax. We can no longer live off the fumes of the oil industry, and we certainly can't continue to live off our sav...

  • Editorial: Petersburg-Kake road of limited value

    Ron Loesch, Publisher|Feb 6, 2020

    During these times of limited capital project spending around the state, the proposed Kake to Petersburg road should not be a priority. Funding for the project was allocated in 2012 by Senator Bert Stedman (R-Sitka) under a "Roads to Resources" program. Ignoring the fact that the project has taken nearly 8 years to develop, much has changed since the project was funded. Biggest among them is the state's realization that they have to live within their means. Next is the fact that the...

  • Guest Commentary: AMHS can be saved

    Frank Murkowski, former Governor|Feb 6, 2020

    I am almost a lifetime SE Alaskan and my wife and I are current residents of Wrangell. I moved to Ketchikan in 1943 when I was ten years old and have lived and worked in almost every major Southeast Alaska city including Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell and Sitka and played a lot of high school basketball in Petersburg. I continue to invest in institutions that provide services in each of those communities including Haines and Skagway. I cite these facts because I know how sensitive SE residents are to suggestions offered by well-meaning persons...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 30, 2020

    Vital role of AMHS not addressed To the Editor: Recently I traveled to Juneau to meet with Legislators to discuss the importance of the Alaska Marine Highway. Mayors and administrators from statewide coastal communities teamed up to highlight the importance of the system. We heard stories of food shortages, missed medical appointments, and economic hardship from around the state. I found that the message was received with a sympathetic ear, but our friends from non-maritime communities believe that the ferry system serves too few at too great...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 23, 2020

    Thank you To the Editor: To whomever maintains the Bill Musson trail it’s greatly appreciated. Andrew Greinier Road to nowhere To the Editor: Assembly Members please support sending a letter to Senator Stedman to not support the road being built from Kake to 12 mile. This is a total and complete waste of $40 million dollars and no one in Petersburg or Kake are in favor of this road and wasting $40 million, it makes us all look bad. It’s a “Road to Nowhere”. Who in Petersburg or Kake is going to leave a vehicle or boat at 12 mile to access...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jan 16, 2020

    Reaching out to schoolmates To the Editor: Some friends of ours on a trip to Hawaii happened to sit next to Sig Matheson. In the course of the conversation it was mentioned that I had lived in Petersburg 1956-59 (on Wrangell Ave.) and Sig remembered going to school with me.I then Googled Sig’s name to see if anything might come up by chance and saw an article in the Pilot with several names I remember from my time in Petersburg. I wouldn’t mind hearing from some of my former friends and schoolmates if they are so inclined at dav...

  • Editorial: Critical habitat rule unlikely to help

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jan 9, 2020

    The establishment of critical habitat areas running from western Alaska to southern California is a prime example of federal agency overkill and overreach. We don't see a logical pathway whereby NOAA's proposed rule will bring numbers of the three distinct population segments (DPS) of humpbacks back to historic levels. Unanswered by NOAA officials is an explanation of why the Hawaiian population is thriving as seen by population counts in both Alaska and Hawaii, and the three segments of the...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 19, 2019

    Local news media part of coverup To the Editor: Recently, mayor Jensen and member Bob Lynn of the current Petersburg Borough voting bloc followed up on their past refusals to pass a resolution addressing regional and local corruption exposed in the Washington office investigation of the Tonka and Big Thorne timber sales. They did this by agreeing the Roadless Rule was "too controversial" to pass a resolution in support of the Rule. Controversy however, requires evidence of significant...

  • Editorial:

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Dec 19, 2019

    The Borough Assembly members acted correctly Monday evening by voting down a proposed ordinance to permit off-road vehicles to operate on borough roadways. The voters spoke against the idea in a 60%-40% decision in 2017. It's not the place of the assembly to override the clear wishes of the electorate just 2 years later. Further, the discussion reminds us of a solution in search of a problem. All manner of off-road vehicles including forklifts, 4-wheelers with plows, tractors and backhoes...

  • Editorial: Expressions of love

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Dec 19, 2019

    Icicle Seafoods executives and workers rallied around the family and friends of Ken Hicks who passed away last week. Ken was the cannery foreman and was employed by the company for 33 years. Workers and friends worked hand in hand with his daughter Erin to sort and pack up his belongings. Their all-in efforts reflect the love and appreciation everyone had for Ken's long-time contributions to the company. May such acts of kindness continue beyond this Christmas season and throughout the New...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 12, 2019

    No time to waste To the Editor: Pilot reporter Brian Varela Dec. 5 reporting on the assembly meeting highlights regarding the Roadless Rule Resolution, skimmed over or forgot to mention some critical points. Ten borough residents did speak in some of the most knowledgeable and fact detailed reasons why they thought the Roadless Rule was extremely important to uphold. The testimony offered was some of the most passionate and heartfelt observations from fisheries professional geologists, lifetime...

  • To the Editor

    Nov 28, 2019

    The roadless rule should remain intact To the Editor: The proposed Tongass exemption from the 2001 Roadless Rule is for the singular purpose of accessing the last bastions of high volume old growth timber, which will be largely exported in the round. If approved, this would be at great cost to taxpayers, and at great profit to Viking Lumber of Klawock and Alcan/Transpac Group of Vancouver, BC-both timber exporters. A recent report by Taxpayers for Common Sense, concluded that between 1999-2018,...

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