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  • To the Editor

    Nov 3, 2016

    IFQ violations To the Editor: I am writing this letter in regards to the October 27 article “Two Petersburg vessels charged with IFQ violations.” I am the current owner/operator of the F/V Lone Fisherman. It is common for NOAA enforcement reports to only note the date citations were issued, not the date the violation occurred. I understand that this can cause confusion when reporting on information found in the enforcement reports. The violation mentioned in this article occurred prior to my becoming the owner/operator of the F/V Lone Fis...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 27, 2016

    Vote your conscience To the Editor: The current political environment in America is very polarized and vitriolic. Many are, rightfully, disillusioned with the two party system and really want a fresh choice. Many people do not like either of the “main” options running for President, but feel like they have to vote for one or the other of the “main” candidates in order for their vote to “count.” I’ve heard many people say they don’t like either of the “main” candidates, but they are going to vote for “the lesser of the two evils”. The problem w...

  • To the Editor

    Oct 13, 2016

    Tax the biggest city To the Editor: To Governor Bill Walker - instead of stealing money from Alaskans, why not tax one of the biggest cities in Alaska – Anchorage? Tax them with sales tax, alcohol tax and car and tire sales tax. Why you are not looking into this is beyond me when there are 399,086 people living there. That is over half the population of Alaska not counting all the tourists and people who have to go there for one reason or another. Just think of all the money you could be getting the right way instead of stealing Alaskans m...

  • Editorial: Protect industrial zoning

    Ron Loesch|Oct 6, 2016

    Waterfront property with utility services (water, sewer, power) is in limited supply. Waterfront property zoned for industrial use is even scarcer. That is why the borough assembly should uphold the planning and zoning commission’s decision to keep the Menish building on S. Nordic Drive a warehouse and not a duplex residential structure. We’re a fishing town and it’s important that the Borough maintain a supply of industrial property along the waterfront. The fishing industry has to have room to expand and industrially zoned land must be kept...

  • To the Editor

    Oct 6, 2016

    Thank you for movie To the Editor: Thank you to all who organized the showing of the movie “Chasing the Dragon.” And thank you to the panel members. It was worth seeing. I do wish that someone on the panel had responded to the person who asked the question, “What about Marijuana?” Maybe something like the following could have been said: “Thank you for your question. Marijuana use can be addicting but it is not as dangerous as opiate use. A similar discussion could be held regarding the effects of Marijuana use at some later date. Especiall...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 29, 2016

    Ballot initiative wording confusing To the Editor: Voters in the October municipal election need to be careful when they check their preference. In simple terms, no means yes and yes means no. If no, you don’t want the legal sale of marijuana in town, then you vote yes. If yes you do, you vote no. Be careful. I already know of one voter who voted just the opposite of how they intended. Don Cornelius Base your vote on facts To the Editor: So, you think you’re going to vote in favor of opting out of legal sale of marijuana products in Pet...

  • Editorial: Vote Yes on Proposition #1 to keep marijuana commmercialization out of Petersburg

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Sep 29, 2016

    Voters who want to ban commercial growing and sale of marijuana within our borough should not be intimidated by some of the arguments for allowing the enterprise to exist. Voters should remember that there is no harm in waiting. 1. Wait for federal law to change. Should other states allow for the commercialization of marijuana, it’s likely elected officials will change federal regulations. 2. Wait for banking regulations to change. Eventually legal business enterprises will have to be permitted to deposit funds in federally controlled banks. 3...

  • Governor: Smaller dividends are painful but prudent

    Bill Walker Governor|Sep 29, 2016

    Alaskans will soon receive our annual dividend checks. This year’s $1,022 check for every qualified resident will help Alaska families with things like winter fuel, food and clothes, holiday gifts, and saving for college. These checks will boost local businesses and increase local tax revenues. At the same time, I am keenly aware that many Alaskans are disappointed – and some are angry – about the size of this year’s dividend. While the average dividend since the inception of the program has been $1,150, many were counting on a larger amount...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 22, 2016

    Search and Rescue tips To the Editor: This past Wednesday evening a young boy in our community became lost. Thanks to the dedication of many in this community he was found cold but safe. As I witness the out pouring of volunteers willing to go out on a rainy night to find this young boy I felt a lot of pride in the caring folks of Petersburg. Whereas we live on the edge of the wilderness events like this will happen again. So that we can avoid a tragedy Search and Rescue would like to make the following recommendations. In the event of someone...

  • To the Editor: Another View

    Sep 15, 2016

    To the Editor: As there have been a few letters against the cultivation and sales of marijuana in our town I would like to share my personal opinions from the other side. I am in favor for the cultivation and retail sale of Marijuana in the Borough of Petersburg for many reasons. First is that it is much less detrimental to society than alcohol. I have served as an EMT for almost 25 years and have never once had a call where marijuana was the issue. That cannot be said for alcohol and hard drugs which I have been on numerous calls for. In my yo...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 1, 2016

    Thinking outside the box To the Editor: The Greater Southeast Alaska Conservation Community believes there are better solutions than a land exchange to solve the highly controversial Alaska Mental Health Trust debacle. The exchange is detailed in Senator Murkowski’s Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Exchange Act of 2016 (S.3006). Specifically, what should be pursued instead is either a federal buy-out or a land transfer with the State, not Feds, from existing State forestlands. Clearly, AMHT’s threats that Murkowski’s bill be passed— or else—ha...

  • To the Editor

    Aug 11, 2016

    Marijuana, AMA approved Letter to the Editor: 1) I find comfort, and so should you, that the largest American Medical Association comprised of thousands of doctors; as well as the American Oncology Society; just to name two, have petitioned congress to lower marijuana to a category II listing so that they can prescribe marijuana for their patients. I value their opinion over all individual doctor's opinion. 2) Black Market: By supplying topself, top grade medical marijuana, in large variety at a price lower than current black market prices, it...

  • To the Editor

    Aug 4, 2016

    Choose to do less harm To the Editor: The following facts about marijuana are taken from a lecture I attended by Darryl Inada CAT-V, CADC 111 and PH.D in Pharmacology at the 42nd Annual School on Addictions and Behavioral Health held in Anchorage on May 2, 2016. Marijuana seriously affects short term memory, concentration, motivation, problem solving, coordination, judgment, reaction and tracking time, and cognitive ability. Though it relieves anxiety temporarily, use over time increases anxiety. The smoke, as with cigarette smoking, seriously...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 28, 2016

    Everyone is welcome To the Editor: Landscaping has been ongoing at the Public Library this summer and I have heard people ask, “How can they spend so much money on plants when money is so tight right now?” The work was paid for with state grants and from donations from private citizens specifically for construction and landscaping. The landscaping provides finishing touches to a community project we can be proud of. Our Public Library represents many of the core values of our town. Looking around the facility it is clear we care about our kid...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 21, 2016

    We’ll never forget To the Editor: We want to thank the Petersburg community for the kindness and support you gave to us after the tragic loss of our granddaughter and niece, Molly Parks. Molly will be forever in our memories and hearts. She was unique, a special gift, kind, amazing, and beautiful. We want to give special thanks to the emergency and medical response teams, and to all the folks who helped R.D. and Madonna through that terrible day and night. When we arrived in Petersburg on July 7, we were greeted with warm welcomes, hugs, and m...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 14, 2016

    Overwhelming generosity To the Editor: We, as a family, continue to be overwhelmed by the generosity and outpouring of support and love from Petersburg, our family, and our friends. Thank you. It does make a difference. I cannot say that we are doing okay, but we are surviving and slowly, more accepting of our loss. A very bright light in our lives has gone out, but we have many more. Joey and Josh, our families, friends, folks from Electra, Texas, and the amazing community of Petersburg. All of you lighten our lives, and are helping us...

  • Editorial

    Ron Loesch|Jul 14, 2016

    I attended my first Rotary meeting in 1976. I was 23 years old and the average age of the membership was about 60. Dave Ohmer, Jim Leekley, Oscar Jones, Jim Taylor and Adolph Mathisen were among the established members. Today, Adolph Mathisen’s granddaughter Desi Burrell, is president of the club which turns 75 years old this year. Adolph would be proud. Charter members of the club in May, 1941 were: Dr. Edgar I. Baggen, Dr. T.W. Benson, Carroll Clausen, Lester E. Elkins, Charles A. Greenaa, John Halvorsen, Bue Hentze, Rev. Thos. Knudson, Justi...

  • Obituary

    Jul 14, 2016

    Patrick R. Murphy, 58, of Juneau, passed away on July 1, 2016. Patrick was born the third child of Mark and Patricia Murphy, of Magnolia, Washington on July 26, 1957. Patrick was a 1976 graduate of Queen Anne High School and was employed at Western Towboat for over 40 years, most of those years as a captain. Patrick is survived by his daughter Emma, along with her mother, Melanie Helmick and his siblings and their families, Marcia, R.C., R. L and Marc Quint; Leslie, Chris and Anna von Ravensberg; Mark, Lauren, Erin and Pat Murphy along with...

  • To the Editor

    Jul 7, 2016

    Performed heroically To the Editor: We all just been through a very difficult time. Our hearts and prayers are with those who lost family and friends on the morning of July 4th. I would like to tell you that those members of your volunteer fire department who responded to the incident, performed professionally and heroically in a very difficult situation. As they now deal with their own memories and thoughts, please keep them in your prayers. Doug Welde Fire Chief... Full story

  • Letter from the Mayor

    Jul 7, 2016

    It is with a heavy heart that I make this statement. The Petersburg Borough sends heartfelt condolences to the Giesbrecht and Parks families for the loss of their daughters. Petersburg will truly miss their presence. Our thoughts are also with the Cardenas and Allen families and all those in our community that are affected by this tragedy. It is our hope that with the support of our caring community we can all come together to help each other in the healing process. In the interim, I have appointed Karl Hagerman as Acting Borough Manager to... Full story

  • To the Editor

    Jun 23, 2016

    Thank You To the Editor: On Saturday evening, June 11, I was in serious health trouble while visiting Alaska on a friend’s boat, the Liliana. In severe pain, and having had open heart surgery years before, our skipper, was on the radio with the Coast Guard discussing how best to get me medical care. We were in Portage Bay, travelling in a trawler, with a top speed of 6-7 knots. A decision was made to send the police boat from Petersburg, staffed with an EMT team. The wind had come up, raising white caps in Stevens Passage, and the discomfort I...

  • To the Editor

    Jun 16, 2016

    Considering both sides To the Editor: When any entrepreneur is deciding to invest in a community, one would generally check with as many of the other investors first and assess any obstacles. A very successful business person once told me that “Just because you are willing to invest, does not make you a wise investor.” So how does one check in wisely with “all of the other” investors in a new enterprise, such as the case of recreational marijuana in a community where commercial sales have never been available before? You go to them and give the...

  • To the Editor

    Jun 9, 2016

    Popular doesn't make it good To the Editor: Learning facts is important. Re-learning facts is also important, and sometimes exacting and painful. Take tobacco. Around 400 years ago people colonizing in Virginia learned to smoke tobacco from local Native Americans. “Recreational,” yet addictive, this poison began killing Americans. Only around 50 years ago the medical science started to prove the obvious - millions of people go to an early grave because of smoking tobacco. I’ve lost family members and friends, as has every person reading these w...

  • To the Editor:

    Jun 2, 2016

    Better safe than sorry To the Editor: It seems to me, that for all practical purposes, with the State vote on marijuana sale within the state, that the ballot wording and subsequent vote, definitely provided for individual cities and towns to decide about pot sales in their specific area. It would be a serious disservice for only a few borough assembly members to decide for the entire town, instead of allowing the people of their town to have a vote on the issue as apparently intended by writers of the State ballot initiative. Are they afraid...

  • Guest Editorial: Treat ferry system like a business

    Ketchikan Daily News|Jun 2, 2016

    The Alaska Marine Highway System should become — at least in part — a private enterprise. AMHS has been in business for 50 years; like most businesses, it’s had its problems and it’s even come up with solutions within the realm of possibilities. But, its biggest problem, as many Alaskans have known for some time, is that its ever-changing executive doesn’t make for a consistently charted course. A new governor means a new state Department of Transportation and Public Facilities commissioner and deputy commissioners for the ferry system ...

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