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  • To the Editor

    May 26, 2016

    LNF thank you To the Editor: On behalf of the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and the Little Norway Festival Committee, I would like to thank everyone who has helped make the 2016 Little Norway Festival a complete success. There is not enough room to thank everyone individually, as this was truly a community-wide effort. The Chamber membership, their staff, and the LNF Committee all gratefully say "Tusen Takk." Janet Holten, Chair Little Norway Festival Committee Marijuana To the Editor: Helping people to understand the opt out option that the...

  • Editorial: Discussion is worthwhile

    Ron Loesch Publisher|May 26, 2016

    While some are frustrated with the ongoing discussion of opting out on allowing retail marijuana sales in Petersburg, it’s good to have the discussions now, rather than later. For some, the reality of the situation is coming to light. While we continue to believe the will of the voters should be followed, Petersburg Assembly members must continue the discussion and craft Petersburg’s ordinance for retail sales of marijuana to suit the wishes of the citizens. We believe the majority favor the retail sales of the drug but based on comments we...

  • To the Editor

    May 19, 2016

    Fundraiser success To the Editor: The Petersburg Children’s Center Board of Directors would like to thank those that helped our recent fundraiser for the building expansion project; including individuals that donated chairs for the project, artists that applied their extensive time and amazing talent for the chair auction, PCC parents that donated mouth-watering desserts for the dessert auction, the Petersburg Elks Lodge and Emblem Club for donating delicious food and volunteering their time, Lee’s Clothing for helping us sell tickets and displ...

  • Guest Editorial: It's time to solve our fiscal problem. The price of inaction is too high

    Bill Walker Governor|May 19, 2016

    As the Legislature nears the end of the constitutional 120-day session, I am gravely concerned about the possible outcome. Our state is in a difficult fiscal position. Due mainly to world oil prices and our over-dependence on oil, we have only about one-fifth of the revenue we need to balance the budget. And that’s after several years of budget cuts and almost no capital investment. That’s why I kicked off a series of statewide conversations last spring. Using input from hundreds of Alaskans, we developed the New Sustainable Alaska Plan, whi...

  • To the Editor

    May 5, 2016

    Grateful To the Editor: Thank you to the police officer who helped my fiance with his skiff early Tuesday morning when his skiff almost sunk. He went out of his way to help him and we are very grateful for his assistance. Thank you to the harbor master for contacting the PPD. Tonia Grant and Byron Lyons...

  • To the Editor

    Apr 14, 2016

    Bike safety To the Editor: I saw something horrible Monday night after work. I was headed down Haugen. There was a little girl on a pinkish bicycle across the street. She was ahead of me and headed downtown too. There are always cars waiting to clear the intersection this time of day. As I slowed to take my place in line, she reached the intersection. I thought she would stop and walk her bike across the street to the totem poles at the Forest Service. Instead, she turned immediately into the crosswalk. Right then, a gray car coming from...

  • Guest Editorial: Engaging with Alaska's budget crisis

    Fairbanks Daily News-Miner|Mar 31, 2016

    Alaskans appear to be engaged about the fiscal precariousness of our state unlike in past financial meltdowns. Perhaps it's because of the massive scale of the budget deficit the state faces in the next fiscal year, which starts June 1. How big is it? An estimated $4 billion as of today, if the Legislature doesn't act either on Gov. Bill Walker's proposals or something comparable of its own making. Alaska has enough money in its savings accounts _ not counting the principal of the Alaska Permanent Fund _ to cover the gap, but the money in...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 24, 2016

    March today To the Editor: I would like to invite you to the Choose Respect march, today March 24, at 3:15 pm. We will be meeting at the bottom of The Trading Union hill, and together we will march through town to take a stand against domestic violence and sexual assault. We will be joining thousands of other Alaskans who are also marching in their communities. Following the march we will have an open house at the WAVE office, 22 Sing Lee Alley. Hope to see you there. Annette Wooton Executive Director, Petersburg WAVE Ferry concerns To the...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 17, 2016

    First responder volunteers To the Editor: We are very fortunate to have dedicated volunteers in our community. Volunteers read to children in the elementary school, they pick up litter along the side of the road, and they serve on the many elected boards and committees. The Hospital Guild, Humane Association, KFSK, the Library and WAVE are just a few of these agencies. Most of the time, the benefit is limited to a small or unique group of people. In one particular instance, the benefit to every single person in this community is very apparent:...

  • Testimony flawed by misinformation & ignorance

    Ron Loesch|Mar 10, 2016

    We hope folks in the newly organized borough will base their public testimony on the factual material brought forth by the borough administration and less on inaccurate hearsay. It was clear that few if any of the “outliers” testifying had even read a portion of the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan. The document clearly states that it is a broad compilation of guidelines the borough will consider for future economic, physical and social development within the borough boundary. The plan does not carry the weight of law, as some people alleged at Mo...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 3, 2016

    Not a subsidy To the Editor: I wanted to thank you for your editorial several issues back about the marijuana law. I really appreciated your thoughts that, although you personally were against legalization, you did feel that the voters had spoken and that the process needed to move forward regardless of your personal feelings. This was a commendable position to take and expressed what our democracy is, or should be, all about. One “complaint” I do have is about your AMHS editorial in this week’s edition. You used “subsidize” and “subsidie...

  • To the Editor: Volunteer of the Year Nominations

    Feb 18, 2016

    Across Alaska, there are many dedicated volunteers whose helping hands and caring hearts positively impact the lives of others. The First Lady’s Volunteer of the Year Awards seeks to recognize these outstanding volunteers who often go unheralded. Please take a moment to nominate someone you know who is making a difference by volunteering. Nominations are due by March 8, 2016. Details and nomination forms are available at volunteerawards.alaska.gov Volunteers, you are the heart and soul of our communities. Thank you for selflessly serving and g...

  • To the Editor: School Board Appreciation

    Feb 11, 2016

    Have you thanked a school board member lately? School board members volunteer hundreds of hours and immeasurable amount of energy to assure that our schools are providing the best education possible for the children of our community. February is School Board Recognition Month, and I encourage you to show your appreciation for the tireless work of our local school board members. School board members are citizens whose decisions affect our children – what they learn, who will teach them, and what kinds of facilities house their classrooms. T...

  • Guest Editorial: More than oil

    Ketchikan Daily News|Feb 4, 2016

    Alaskans know the importance of oil to the state's economy and state government coffers. No question. Oil is huge. But with all the talk of oil, it's easy to overlook other parts of Alaska's economy. Commercial fisheries, for example. Fisheries anchored many Alaska communities years before the start of oil production. And they've continued to do so after oil began flowing through the pipeline. The continuing economic contribution of fisheries is perhaps more apparent in coastal Alaska communities, such as Ketchikan, than in the Railbelt and...

  • Editorial: Divert funds for Kake Road Project

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jan 28, 2016

    Since the Department of Transportation continues to push ahead on the Kake-Petersburg Road, it’s appropriate that the Borough Assembly takes action to divert funds from the project. Nothing kills a road project quicker than taking the money off the table. Repeatedly, citizens from Kupreanof, Kake and Petersburg have told Transportation officials the road is a bad idea. It’s not needed, it’s not cost effective and it needs to go away. Kake needs lower cost electricity and a road is not needed to address their power needs. Since as early as Ja...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 28, 2016

    Shame on you To the Editor: I don't understand why environmentalists get so excited about the timber sales the Forest Service is kind enough to make available for logging companies. Why protest? Everybody knows trees are a “renewable resource.” Ketchikan, Wrangell, Sitka, and Petersburg were all built on fishing, and logging mills – both lumber and pulp and some mining. Those towns didn't have to depend on tourism and chartering. If you look back in the 60's, 70's and early 80's these towns were booming, our economy was thriving. We had a lot o...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 21, 2016

    12 years of making Petersburg better To the Editor: My mother Ruth and I enjoyed a trip to the airport in September. It was a fine day and we collected wild flowers. Some of you saw her photo on Facebook. Mom wanted to thank those who planned and built the bike path. She was glad to hear that it’s being extended to Sandy Beach. Just like the good old days. Ruth has been a community booster for 75 years and is still interested in making Petersburg a better place.* Her list of interests and volunteer activities is very long. The Library, M...

  • Guest Editorial: It's time to put our wealth to work

    Governor Bill Walker|Jan 21, 2016

    By now, most of you know we have a budget challenge: Over the past two years, Alaska’s oil revenue has plummeted by 88 percent, mainly due to a sharp drop in oil prices. We’ve cut the budget from $8 billion in 2012 to $4.8 billion. Despite these reductions, our deficit amounts to more than half our annual budget. If we do nothing, we’re on a course to drain the constitutional budget reserve within two years – and the permanent fund earnings reserve within another two years. Dividends would likely end within four years, and we’ll be left with...

  • Editorial: Building remodel has been a very public process

    Ron Loesch|Jan 21, 2016

    It is illogical that the remodeling of the Borough Municipal Building should go to a vote of the people. If the public voted not to fund the remodeling project, it would leave the local government in the exact predicament they now find themselves. The police department is presently housed in a substandard, non-compliant structure that is a danger to employees, prisoners and local citizens who rely on the department to provide first responder assistance in an emergency. Furthermore, the City of Petersburg and now the Petersburg Borough have...

  • Editorial: A dollar short and a day late

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jan 7, 2016

    The public was not well served by the Borough’s marijuana advisory committee. At least not the 58-percent of Petersburg voters who favored legalized marijuana sales within Alaska. Many, like myself, feel the commercial sale of marijuana in Alaska is an abomination for which we will pay a significant price in both human capital and health care costs. But nonetheless, voters approved it and those citizens deserve due process. Chair Jeigh Stanton Gregor told the assembly the committee should be disbanded because of their ineffectiveness. M...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 31, 2015

    The next generation is here To the Editor: The “PFI changed Petersburg 50 years ago” story was remarkably accurate. Along with Bob Thorstenson, Gordon Magnus and Tom, the Swansons, Conns, McKays, and many many more PFI employees and, of course, the fishermen are what made this company. My company founders shared their vision, risk and reward far and wide and that made all the difference. All Alaskan companies outta be set up this way. The new guys would be well served to set up the 1965-2007 success story all over again. The next gen...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 24, 2015

    Shift in thinking needed To the Editor: The Alaska Marine Highway System is at a critical juncture. Since its first port of call, the Alaska Marine Highway has provided substantial economic growth and improved quality of life for Alaskans. It has become a vital socio-economic engine even more now, than when it was conceived half a century ago. We cannot afford to lose this transportation corridor for Alaska. However, we must acknowledge that the state can no longer afford to pay for the current system and outdated management model. Our...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 17, 2015

    First step the hardest To the Editor: Some say the first step is the hardest, but we’ve found community-wide support makes the first step a bit easier. Recently, the Petersburg Children’s Center took its first step toward a long awaited building expansion project. Through the generosity of Reid Brothers, Hammer & Wikan and local donors, the piling is in and we’re getting ready to start framing up the building shell. While we are officially underway, we are continuing to seek donations to fund completion of the project, including an unant...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 10, 2015

    We are in this together To the Editor: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the School Board members and administration that worked for literally hundreds of hours to develop and pass the amended Memorial policy. As we all know, it is heartbreaking to lose someone that you love, no matter the age, circumstance or relationship. No one grieves in the same way. Some are comforted by reminders of the person, but others can’t face any reminders at all. I appreciate the opportunities that our close-knit community offers in the way of r...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 3, 2015

    Taste the herring To the Editor: As neighbor and FAVORITE Editor I implore you to ask the good people of the beautifully decorated Sandy Beach Neighborhood to keep a watchful eye out for that “Stately Swede from DoyHof” and the “Handsome Norske from Scow Bay” who may be sniffing around our neck of the woods interested in sabotaging this year’s Pickled Herring recipe! Hagar and Annie are on high alert for any funny business and rewards of the successful arrest of would be “saboteurs” will be paid in Lefse or holiday baked goods. See everyone...

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