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  • Editorial: Board policy on memorials is appropriate

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Dec 3, 2015

    Despite the articulate and sometimes emotional comments presented to the school board, we think the board is justified in approving its draft policy for memorials on school property. The policy allows for temporary memorials and sets the terms for commemoration events. Key policy components are: 1. Memorials can be an ongoing visual reminder of what happened. Memorials need to be an opportunity of choice for families, friends and the public. 2. The fact that schools are designed primarily to support learning and should not serve as the main...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Nov 26, 2015

    The future Mitkof Project To the Editor: Recently Forest Supervisor Stewart withdrew the Mitkof Project citing local industry concerns and the opportunity to better serve an ongoing, market based transition to second growth. The question for Mr. Stewart is “What is being done to further support the transition for central S.E. communities”? This question is especially pertinent given the deteriorating markets for Tongass old-growth that is being milled in China. Why should federal taxpayers proceed to subsidize any further timber dev...

  • Thanksgiving Proclamation

    Nov 26, 2015

    Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for the...

  • To the Editor:

    Nov 19, 2015

    Sealaska has shamed themselves To the Editor: Last week in Petersburg, Alaska's newest environmental group 'The Greater Southeast Alaska Conservation Community,' (gsacc.net) gave a slide show on the latest industrial logging now taking place on state land, Sealaska land and other land grant interests. The slideshow consisted of images from 'Google Earth' satellite overviews of Sealaska lands on the Cleveland Peninsula, and also on P.O.W.'s Election Creek and other examples. Needless to say, the push to privatize land from the Tongass National...

  • The fun continues

    randpa Ron|Nov 19, 2015

    Grandparenthood is just as good the second time around. A bit over five years ago our first grandson, Craig, arrived. Last Friday, as in Friday the 13th, our second grandchild was born. Abby Jo was born to the daughter who had proclaimed that motherhood was not on her agenda. Don't plan on it. Things seldom go as planned, and we're so happy about that. As is customary with Petersburg babies, they're born someplace else. Casey and Beth have spent several weeks in Juneau awaiting the arrival of...

  • Editorial: Revive the rural guard forces

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Nov 12, 2015

    It’s appalling that since 2006 the ranks of the Petersburg Alaska Army National Guard (AANG) have dropped from 11 members to 2. Worse yet, as in Petersburg and Wrangell, the AANG facilities in many rural communities across the state sit empty. How did the leadership in the AANG allow this to happen? Our report published this week, exposes some of the reasons, and possibly excuses, for this downturn. Budget cuts, higher recruiting standards and lack of recruiting effort all are a part of the reason. Why is Guard leadership allowing the 761st M...

  • To the Editor

    Nov 12, 2015

    Produce comparison To the Editor: Each week Ron and Anne graciously send me a copy of this newspaper. I enjoy reading it, especially the grocery ads. We moved to Ketchikan in 1970. I will never forget my first visit to the grocery store. I walked through the produce aisle with a picture of shock on my face when I saw the prices An employee walked over and said "you just moved here, right?" Well, today When I read the ads, there is little difference in prices from our local Publix store. In come cases yours are less. I did love living there,...

  • To the Editor

    Nov 5, 2015

    Lost and Found To the Editor: Found: Trash on North Nordic, downtown: Cigarette butts, rubber gloves. To Claim: Look along curbside. Better Idea: Use the receptacles designed for this purpose instead of just emptying your trash on the street to let someone else pick it up. We can all help. If you see something, don’t be afraid to say something. David Berg...

  • To the Editor: Harbor Dept. needs boat watcher's information

    Oct 29, 2015

    It was brought to my attention in last week's issue, under the Managers Report the article that the Harbor Department would like boat owners to let us know when they are out of town so we could keep an eye on their boats when they leave town. The Harbor Dept. does not watch vessels rather we keep a record of boat watchers/emergency contact in case of an emergency and request the owner contacts the Harbor Office with the boat watcher's information. Glorianne Wollen Petersburg Harbormaster...

  • Editorial: Memorial options

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Oct 29, 2015

    The school board proposed policy on memorial placement on school property does a good job of justifying the reasons behind the creation of this policy. In short, the school will work with families to select appropriate memorial activities and events following the death of a student or district employee, but the school cannot become the site for permanent memorials. The District also states the circumstances upon which existing memorials will be maintained or continued. The policy is posted on the school district website and at district offices...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 22, 2015

    Memorial policy To the Editor: I am very saddened by the decision of the School Board to not include the Jacob Madsen Memorial with the other memorials in the school that the School Board has decided to grandfather in. The memorial will be taken down with the writing and passing of their new memorial policy at the next reading/meeting. The Jacob Madsen Memorial is currently hanging in the High School gymnasium. I understand the reason we need a memorial policy. I am writing today because I feel the existing memorials that are already in the...

  • To the Editor: Update on home story

    Oct 15, 2015

    To the Editor: I want to make some clarification to the story “Nostalgia meets efficiency in Knight’s design,” found in the Petersburg Pilot’s Petersburg 2015 Home & Garden Edition. The Alpine crew Teddy Hasbrouck, Chris Marshall, and Rick Wikan deserve most of the credit for the work that allowed my house to be built: they were the rubber that hit the road. Also, the article asserts that most of the wood in the house is made of fir, while in fact the window, door, and most of the stair trim are made of hemlock. Casey Knight...

  • To the Editor

    Oct 8, 2015

    Step in the right direction To the Editor: I had a very nice and rather extended conversation with a Petersburg fisherman recently. Our conversation touched on many subjects and we found we had many opinions in common (as well as a couple of instances where we did not see eye to eye). He is still fishing and I am retired but we both agreed one of the real problems facing Petersburg is viable and meaningful employment. Long term employment with a reasonable income attached. I had to admit that if I was not a retired Alaska state employee, I...

  • Editorial: Motor failure delays paper

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Oct 8, 2015

    A 25 h.p. DC motor that drives our printing press failed last Thursday, delaying the print edition of the Petersburg Pilot. A Seattle printer printed the paper Thursday night and delivered it to Alaska Airlines freight terminal, but the delivery person failed to fill out the paperwork required for shipping, which caused another delay in the paper's arrival in Petersburg. Our staff fielded hundreds of calls and visits in our office from our readers, and explained the reason for delay. We...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 24, 2015

    September is National Recovery Month Letter to the Editor: As a person in recovery I thought I would share some of my experience, strength and hope with you. I was born and raised in Petersburg. I attended church here, went to school here and played sports here. This is also where my disease of addiction began. Like many of our kids today I started drinking and experimenting with drugs at a very young age. It slowly took over my life. It took me a long time and a hard road to reach recovery. The love, understanding and support of my family and...

  • Editorial: No need for financial disclosure

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Sep 24, 2015

    A significant benefit to living in a small town is that everyone knows everyone’s business. Some consider this a detriment, but in the case of Proposition 1, which appears on October’s election ballot in Petersburg, and as Proposition 2 in Wrangell, the Financial Disclosure requirement is not needed. Currently, municipal officers and some candidates for elective office must file a financial disclosure statement. Depending upon how a person’s company is legally organized, the law can be very intrusive, or in the case of a corporation it can r...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 10, 2015

    Sorry, there is no resemblance To the Editor: Can Alaskans trust the government of British Columbia to act honestly, responsibly and openly as B.C. authorizes and proposes to manage a series of mines (up to six of them) in the watersheds of some of the greatest, wildest and most productive watersheds in North America? Is BC “basically the same” as Alaska, as Mines Minister Bennett claims, when it comes to process and regulation of industrial activity? There is no question B.C. has a “mine approval” process, but make no mistake, it is vastly...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 3, 2015

    Why? To the Editor: Over the last several weeks I have contacted the local head representative of the highway department, public works, borough manager, flaggers on the Nordic construction site and no will take responsibility for the extremely dangerous blocked sidewalks that force us into the traffic and construction. Trees, rhodies, berry bushes and general overgrowth have blocked sidewalks from use, forcing children on bikes, moms with strollers and old people like myself into the Nordic roads. We are forced to face cars, trucks, trailers an...

  • Editorial: File for office and learn a lot

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Aug 20, 2015

    The Borough Assembly along with its boards and commissions has conducted the public’s business with little fanfare this past year. Even with vacancies on some bodies, the public’s work has been accomplished. When elected bodies function smoothly, we sometimes take them for granted. “Why get involved if everything’s getting done and nobody is getting hurt,” you might ask? Diversity is the reason. Good government is a result of many people working for the common good of our community. You have your choice of seats on the assembly, school bo...

  • To the Editor: Thank you for support

    Jul 30, 2015

    I would like to thank everyone who has supported me in raising funds to travel to Mae Wang Lampang, Thailand for my Rotary Youth Exchange. People came to each fundraiser showing complete support of my exchange and have offered an endless amount of help. Petersburg is the most kind and supportive community, and I am really thankful for having the privilege of living here. Thank you for being a part of my world experience, and for helping me to meet the goals that I have set. I leave for Thailand on the 6th of August, and yes, I’m nervous. but I...

  • To the Editor

    Jun 18, 2015

    Alaska trawl bycatch halibut To the Editor: Our North Pacific Fisheries Management Council just met in Sitka, Alaska. Trawl bycatch (non-targeted species) of juvenile halibut in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands was on the agenda. Around 130 people gave public comment on this topic in addition to 3 inches of paper letters in a spiral binder compiling written public comments. The overwhelming majority urging the council for a 50 percent reduction in halibut waste. A reduction of roughly 20 percent allowable trawl bycatch of halibut was...

  • Editorial: Write a family history

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jun 18, 2015

    Father’s Day is on Sunday. Children across the country will honor their dads at family gatherings with gifts, cards and special meals. On this occasion, we encourage dads to consider the creation of a special gift for their children. It is a time consuming project that will reap personal rewards well worth the effort put forth. Why not write a family history and distribute it to your children next year, or two years from now? Other dads have done this, including my father, who wrapped up his 64-page compilation just months before his death a...

  • To the Editor

    Jun 11, 2015

    Is zoning coming to the borough? To the Editor: Prior to the Borough election, I had several meetings with the Borough manager and asked about Borough intentions for the outlying areas to be incorporated. He assured me that there would not be any additional rules and regulations in these areas. Now, suddenly, there is talk of zoning regulations. Building codes always follow on the heels of zoning codes and both require enforcement and inspection. This will result in higher government costs and require additional taxes to pay for these...

  • Editorial: Plan for future traffic needs

    Ron Loesch Publisher|May 21, 2015

    Discussion about relocating the Petersburg Borough Power and Light building has been under discussion for decades. Often the discussion came to an abrupt end because of finances. Even when Power and Light had the funds to pay for construction of the building, the Assembly nixed it. In these tight fiscal times, new construction may be a tough sell, but there is a valid reason to move Power and Light away from the busiest intersection on the island. Before the discussion about remodeling both the old municipal building and the power and light...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 7, 2015

    Tongass concerns To the Editor: Dear Mr. Jason Anderson (Deputy Forest Supervisor, Petersburg Ranger District), The board of directors of the Greater Southeast Alaska Conservation Community collectively represents over two hundred years of experience on Tongass conservation issues. We are writing this open letter to express our displeasure on 2 counts: the skewed process the Forest Service used to form the Tongass Advisory Committee (TAC), and the predictably skewed product that committee is fabricating as evidenced by the current Draft...

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