City council votes to pave Odin and N. Second streets

Petersburg City Council amended a contract between the city and R & M Engineering to complete the Water and Sewer Reconstruction Project with an addition of funds not to exceed $37,000 to be paid.

A change order for the Water and Sewer Reconstruction was also on the agenda in order to add $6,335.70 to the initial construction contract to add a fabric mesh layer to Odin Street to help support the road bed and keep it from sinking into the muskeg.

The cost of paving N. Second Street in the amount of $154,294.10 and surfacing Odin Street with gravel until future paving funds could be secured was the original item on the agenda.

“The cost of paving will not get any cheaper,” City Councilwoman Nancy Strand said. “We should consider paving both streets now.”

The amendment was made to add another $28,389.80 from the general fund to pave both Odin Street and N. Second Street now instead of waiting for future funds.

The subject of a road maintenance program was discussed as well.

“Some of our roads are in pretty bad shape,” City Councilman Don Koenigs said. “Does the Public Works Department have a schedule to maintain roads in the city limits?”

The main concern with this program is the availability of funds to maintain the roads properly.

“We have no prescribed maintenance program,” Public Works Director Karl Hagerman said. “We work on one problem at a time, but the city manager has been urging us to do something like this.”


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