Departments request projects to be placed on capital improvement list

A tentative list of all recommendations for the 2013 capital projects list was released to the Petersburg City Council during its regular meeting Tuesday evening.

This is the first step in the process of generating a list for the upcoming state legislative session.

The council will hold a work session at noon Monday, Sept. 10, to discuss the list with city department heads and the public.

The list so far, broken up into groups of projects by city departments, has approximately 65 line items. Some of the projects are a portion of a larger project which have received partial, but not all of the required funding.

Two major projects on this list are of extreme priority for the community - the North Harbor Reconstruction Project and the new Police Station.

The North Harbor Project has already secured $7 million of the funding needed, but with the $8.7 million estimated project cost, the Harbor Department has requested that $1.7 million be added to the capital improvement list in order to complete the project.

An estimate for the new Police Station and Jail Facility has a price tag of $7.5 million.

The Harbor Department projects listed by priority to the department with the North Harbor being at the top of the list and several others following. The Scow Bay haulout and washdown pad has a price tag of $3.6 million and the Reid property purchase comes in at $1.4 million. Phase two of the North Harbor has an estimated cost of $2.3 million and phase three of the marine terminal drive down facility has a price of $5.8 million.

Petersburg Power and Light has one project on its list which is the purchase and rehabilitation of a new power and light building with a price of $2.5 million.

Half of the Parks and Recreation Department projects have already received a portion of the funding with the seasonal tent camping area having $10,000 of the $250,000 needed; the cemetery utilities project has already received $10,000 of the $20,000 needed; the cemetery Columbarium has received $15,000 of the $100,000 and the Andrew Mathisen Fishing Pier project has already received $100,000 of the $500,000 needed. Another $450,000 was requested for other projects in the department.

The Public Works Department has $5.33 million on the list for the Municipal Building Park/Restrooms, local road paving, Fram Street infrastructure repairs and reconstruction of the Rasmus Enge Bridge.

Top priority for the Petersburg Medical Center is the renovation of the Long Term Care Facility.

“We want to make this facility more like home for the residents,” Petersburg Hospital Board Chair Tom Abbott said. “This is number one on our list of priorities for the hospital.” A C-Arm, operating table and 12 medical/surgical beds complete the list for a total of $1.51 million.

District wide boiler upgrade is first on the list for the Petersburg City Schools with a price tag of $2.9 million. Other projects total just over $7.6 million for the schools with projects ranging from $2.2 million to $80,000 with the fire alarm upgrade, lunchroom renovation, underground fuel tank replacement, covered walks and entrances, electrical upgrades, elementary plumbing system replacement, digital HVAC controls and backstage floor repair.

“The lunchroom renovation isn't exactly what we are shooting for,” Petersburg City Schools Superintendent Rob Thomason said. “We are hoping to create a whole kitchen for the district with this project.”

The sanitation department has four projects on the list totaling $745,000. Projects totaling over $5.9 million are on the list for the water and wastewater departments.

The Municipal Building rehabilitation makes it onto the list with a price of $3 million.

All projects on the prospective list total over $52 million.


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