Jensen and Koenigs to run for Borough Mayor

Petersburg City Councilors Mark Jensen and Don Koenigs have filed with the Division of Elections to run for the position of Borough Assembly Mayor.

“This is my sixth year on the council and I’ve been mayor pro-tem for most of those years and I’d just like to see the transition process through,” Jensen said. “It will all depend on the vote, but I believe I can help it go smoothly.”

Koenigs, who briefly worked as Petersburg’s City Manager in the early 90s and was Petersburg’s Mayor in the early 80s, will put his name in the running for Mayor as well.

“This will give Mark and I an opportunity to discuss where we want to see the City go,” Koenigs said. “It will also give the voters a choice in this election.”

At this time Jensen, Koenigs and newly appointed council member John Hoag are the only three members of the current council who have filed for assembly positions.

“There are only nine days left to file,” Jensen said. “And we have many more positions that will need to be filled if the Borough passes.”

According to Koenigs there are several members of the council who will not file as candidates due to the financial disclosure required by the State of Alaska.

“The Division of Elections have very different rules and regulations regarding this incorporation election,” Koenigs said.

Candidates have until October 24 to file paperwork for mayor, assembly members, planning commission, school board and hospital board.

These positions, along with the Borough question will be on the ballot for the Dec. 18 special election.


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