Bridge dedicated in honor of fallen hero

Despite the rain, veterans and residents gathered to pay their respects and honor to U.S Marine Donald “Harry” Kito with the dedication of the formerly known Falls Creek Bridge in Kito's memory Sunday afternoon.

Kito was killed in Vietnam in 1967, but was remembered with love and smiles by so many.

Kito's brother, John stated that it was a true testament to his brother's value in the community to see so many turn out for the bridge dedication and for Veterans Day.

One sentiment, above all, recounted by all who spoke of him, was the way his smile would light up any room.

State Senator Bert Stedman, who grew up in Petersburg, remembered the day Kito's body was returned home.

“I watched the Marines get out in full dress uniform with the flags and march with Harry up the dock,” Stedman said. “I have never forgotten that day, and I never will.”

Kito was 25 years old and a Lance Corporal in the Marines when he was killed July 8, 1967 in Vietnam.

A bronze plaque stands beside Mitkof Highway to honor one of Petersburg's own fallen heroes at the newly dedicated Harry Kito Bridge.


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