$4 million budgeted for Petersburg

Gov. Sean Parnell’s capital projects list shells out more than $10 million for the house district 31-32—more than $4 million will fund projects in Petersburg.

More than $1.7 million of those dollars will go towards wastewater system improvements

Steve Giesbrecht, borough manager, said the timing is great because the Alaska Department of Transportation will be resurfacing a section of Nordic Drive this summer between Haugen Drive and the ferry terminal.

“We’ve got some sewer lines that that will affect,” Giesbrecht said. “We’ll try to incorporate our project with the road project so we don’t tear up a brand new road.”

Sewer lines in the area need to be replaced and one is uncovered on the beach. That line will be relocated into the road’s right of way.

The rest of the funds—$3 million—will go towards an apron and taxiway rehabilitation project at the airport.

Barry Youngberg, Alaska Department of Transportation Operator, said there’s no firm timeline on when the project will begin, but that it’s a long time coming.

“They’re going to be grinding the surface and repaving the ramp and the taxiway,” Youngberg said. “There are lots of cracks and humps and bumps.”

The borough has its own list of priority capital projects that the state legislature will review. Giesbrecht said Petersburg projects don’t typically appear on the governor’s list.

“Anything that shows up on the governor’s list is kind of an extra,” Giesbrecht said.

Giesbrecht said the police station and jail facility is number one on the borough’s list. Officials won’t know what the legislature has decided on until this spring.


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