More construction in town than recent years

Building permits have increased since last year, according to a Petersburg Community Development report.

The borough issued 86 building permits in 2013, 22 more than 2012, bringing in $9,435 in revenues and bringing project valuation to more than $2.6 million.

“That’s quite a bit of value that’s coming into the community,” said Leo Luczak, community development director. “It increases the tax base and creates an awful lot of jobs.”

Luczak said these numbers help shed some insight into the local economy based on what types of building permits are issued.

Permits for new homes and remodels are also up from last year.

“Five new houses for a town this size is pretty good,” Luczak said. “There’s been a lot of remodeling. All the contractors are booked up.”

Joe Aliberti, owner of Aliberti Construction, agrees and said there’s been enough work to go around.

“There seems to be plenty of work for everybody especially because the fishing was so good,” Aliberti said. “People are able to get some stuff done on their houses that they’ve been planning on for awhile. That may hold out for a few years.”

Total new building project valuation is down from last year, however commercial and industrial valuation increased by nearly $700,000.

According to the report, the major construction projects permitted in 2013 were the Sig and Cynthia Mathisen residential remodel, the Scot and Rachel Kandoll single family home, the Bill Haley warehouse and the Bob Thorstenson warehouse.

In the last two decades, issued building permits peaked at more than 200 from 1995-1997.


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