Sue Harai / Submitted Photo count
Fifth grade Junior Girl Scout Troop 4111 painted a mural for Good Beginnings Preschool to decorate their playground. This was the troop's community service project for their Girl Scout Bronze award. The girls numbers and animals are: (front row) Kadence Pettibone #10-snake, Jaden Perry #3-frog, Anna Swihart #7-beaver, Alayna Duddles #1-tortoise, Ruby Massin #5-fish (second row) Mandy Hayes #9-giraffe, Julie Olsen #11-sun (back row) Leesa Murph #0-fish, Mekell Heppe-Worthington #2-swan, Susan Harai -Troop Leader, (not pictured) Hayley Brusell #4-rabbit, Rose Lane #6-fish, Kaitlyn Hicks #8-owl.
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