18 candidate vacancies remain on Oct. ballot

There is still time to register for one of the 18 remaining candidate positions before the deadline Tuesday. There are 37 positions total to fill on the Oct. 7 ballot.

There have been no new filings for Borough Assembly since last week. Two 2-year terms and two 3-year terms remain without candidates.

For the school board there are three vacancies—a 3-year term, a 2-year term and a 1-year term. As of Wednesday, no one had filed for the board seats, said Petersburg Borough Clerk Kathy O’Rear.

Since last week, Chris Fry has filed for a 3-year term on the Planning and Zoning Commission, leaving one 3-, 2- and 1-year term each vacant.

Newcomer Kathi Riemer filed for a 3-year term and Steven Samuelson, a board member since Feb. 2014, filed for the 1-year term on the Hospital Board since our last report. Two positions remain vacant including another 3-year term and a 2-year term.

Bob Martin has filed for a 1-year term on the Harbors and Port Advisory board, adding to the five other candidates who filed previously and leaving only one 1-year term vacant.

The Library Advisory Board has seen three new filings since last week, leaving one 1-year term vacant. Mary Ellen Anderson and Marilyn Menish-Meucci each filed for a 3-year term and Sunny Rice filed for a 1-year term.

Sally Norheim Dwyer has filed for a 3-year term with the Public Safety Advisory board, which leaves two 2-year terms vacant.

Interested parties need to file a Declaration of Candidacy form and a Petition for Candidacy form, signed by at least 25 borough voters, with the borough clerk. Forms are available online at http://www.petersburgak.gov or at the borough office.

The last day to file for candidacy is Tuesday, Aug. 26 at 5 p.m.


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