Committee to explore local implementation of marijuana law

A committee comprised of assembly members and area residents will be assembled to explore how Petersburg will handle a new state law that allows for the commercial sale of marijuana. The committee came at the suggestion of Petersburg resident Kevin Clark who spoke during the first public hearing on the matter at Monday’s regular assembly meeting.

“I think as a borough we should be proactive in getting ahead of the regulation versus being behind and playing catch up,” Clark said. “I think the best way to do that would be to compose a subcommittee or a committee that would be members of the public and members of the [assembly]…to actually sit down and discuss going forward how we want to make sure that the will of the people is followed through with.”

Assembly member John Havrilek said that a committee might allow more people to come forward and voice their opinions and ideas.

“A lot of people do feel uncomfortable talking in a formal meeting like this. I think forming a committee...would be a much better way to move forward and make a more relaxed atmosphere for people to come to,” said Havrilek.

A committee would allow the complex matter to be further explored both in terms of what the state legislature is proposing for regulations and what regulations different municipalities around the state are adopting in response to the law, which does give some leeway for interpretation at a local level.

Once formed, the committee will draft recommendations for consideration by the assembly. Individuals interested in serving on the committee can contact the Borough Clerk’s office.


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