Health fair kicks off Saturday morning

The Community Health Fair is kicking off this Saturday, April 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m at the Petersburg Community Gym.

Around 30 vendors will set up information booths where you can check your hearing and blood pressure and receive vaccines.

Public Health Nurse Erin Michael will give TDAP (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis) boosters, but make sure you bring a copy of your shot records.

Other vendors will present information about exercise, boat safety and independent living for older adults.

Petersburg Medical Clinic Lab and Imaging director Liz Bacom said those who had their blood drawn over the previous weeks can bring their results and two physicians will give presentations about the lab results including Dr. John Hoyt, a physician from Bellingham.

“If people have questions about their cholesterol or their glucose or anything in their health fair panel they had done, he’ll be there to talk about, generally speaking, those labs,” Bacom said.

Results won’t be available at the health fair so participants should remember to bring them along.

PMC Physician Jennifer Hyer will also discuss how a person can improve their Vitamin D intake.

Around 500 people participated in the blood drive this year. PMC reduces their prices for people to have a chance to get their blood drawn.

“We set our prices based on the cost of supplies that we get for the testing and the cost that our reference lab charges and the shipping and handling and stuff,” Bacom said.

There will also be an opportunity to learn more about and register an advanced directive—instructions for end of life care should an individual not be able to communicate in the event of a life threatening emergency.


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