Official totals for the 2017 moose harvest

Kupreanof Island – 48

Stikine River – 25

Mitkof Island – 13

Thomas Bay – 8

Farragut Bay – 8

Wrangell Island – 4

Kuiu Island – 4

Zarembo Island – 3

Wrangell mainland – 2

Petersburg mainland – 2

Woewodski Island – 1

Total – 117

Note: 12 of the bulls checked in this year failed to comply with local antler restrictions, following a typical rate of noncompliance seen in other years.

Antler configuration percentages

2x2 brow tines – 45 bulls (38% of harvest)

Spike fork – 45 (38%)

Three or more brow tines – 14 (12%)

Spread 50 inches or greater – 1 (1%)

Illegal configuration – 12 (10%)...


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