To the Editor

Teen issues statement on harassing game charge

To the editor:

Dear Community of Petersburg,

I very much regret many of my recent decisions, totally wishing I could turn back the clock and and have acted differently. I’m learning the hard way that life simply doesn’t work that way, and that other people and living beings were harmed by my behavior. I feel ashamed of myself, and want to do whatever it takes to change.

My commitment to myself, my family, and my community is; to be better, to be more thoughtful and kind, to help rather than hurt, to be my best true self in all that I do.

To start, I will accept the punishment of the Court as I deserve punishment for my actions. I will become more involved in the Community and will volunteer my time to helping organizations that are committed to helping people and animals in need. In spite of my recent wrongful behavior, this is who I really am. I will find council and work to better understand how I went so horribly wrong and learn from those bad decisions how to use, what was a disastrous week, as a positive turning point in my life. I hope my recent actions, and better actions that will occur as time continues, will help people realize the importance of animals in our ecosystem and community, and that they are gentle creatures that deserve care and respect as well.

I apologize, seek forgiveness, and ask for another chance.

Very sincerely,

Jasmine Ohmer


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