Rae C. Stedman Elementary Class Lists

To register a new student, stop by the office at 303 Dolphin Street by August 24. Bring current vaccination record and birth certificate (legible copy ok).

Students currently enrolled do not need to register. Supply lists can be found online at www.pcsd.us.

Kindergarteners attend from 8:15-11:15 until October, then the school day extends to 1:15. If you have questions, call the office at 907-302-2385.

Mrs. Willis Kindergarten: Kaitlyn Aikins, Daphne Brantuas, Midori Hinde, Zayden Jackson, Gage Lewis, Carley Littrell, Laramie Luhr, Craig Maines, Liam Mattingly, Koven Musewski-Teas, Mason Stimso...


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