Girls cross country team comes in first at Metlakatla

At the cross country meet in Metlakatla on Saturday, the Petersburg girls team came in 1st place with 31 points and the boys team came in 2nd with 32 points after Ketchikan.

"We did really well," said assistant coach Debby Eddy. "We had a boy and a girl come in first place."

The top three places in the girls 5k race were all claimed by the Petersburg team. Maia Cowan came in 1st place at 20:01, Kendra Coonrad came in 2nd place at 21:00 and Melanie Chase came in 3rd at 22:10.

The Petersburg and Ketchikan boys teams dominated the top 10 places with each taking five spots. Tolin Billy Eddy came i...


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