Photo courtesy of Jean Curry count
A group of 47 hearty folks gathered at the Petersburg picnic at Seattle Golden Gardens on September 14 despite the wind. It was organized by Roger Pederson and Neil Sandvik. Front row, from left to right: Jeff Fitzjarrald, Neil Sandvik, Michael Westre, Stephanie Sandvik, Victor and Phoebe Smith, Norman Bailey, Al Lund, Mark and Janet Sandvik, From back Karen and Paul Dobrasz, Leticia and Terry Clausen, Joanne Odegaard, Carol (Bailey) McMillian, Anna (Longworth) Martinsen, Back Gordon Odegaard, Glen Crane, Mary Lou Longworth, back row: Roger Pederson, Greg and Sue (Reeser) Lyons, Mary (Heimdahl) Lund, Signe (Enge) Haltiner, Joanne (Pederson) Boice, Robin Lee Smith, Cherie (Richmond) Ebmeyer, Joyce Ness, Karla and Larry Baysinger, Jean (Pederson) Curry, Macmillian and Roger and Darla (Ryan) Heimdahl. Not pictured: Yvette (Baysinger) Fitzjarrald, Pam (Martens) Thorstenson, Gina Thorstenson, Nick Martinsen, John Benson, Elizabeth (Enge) Nyssen, Kathy Pool, Danny Wanberg, Dale Skipper Hirt, Ivar and Marge Hestad, Mary Ellen and Wally Michl and Dennis Schwartz.
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