Obituary: Frederick "Rick" Magill, 71

On September 27, 2019, Frederick Swanson Magill, 71, known to some by Fred, to most by Rick, or Papa by his two granddaughters, passed away in Seattle, Washington after a courageous and hard fought battle with pancreatic cancer.

He was born on January 25, 1948 in Petersburg, Alaska to Enid and Fred Magill. He came from a long line of proud, hardworking, determined, and headstrong people, many of whom were passionate commercial fishermen and fisherwomen. Starting at eight years old, Rick worked as part of his parents’ gillnet operation and seined with his father. Over time, he worked his way to having his own halibut and gillnet operations and eventually embarked on one of the greatest fishing adventures, having a crab boat fishing in the Bering Sea. He was fortunate enough to man many successful boats, but he was most proud of his accomplishments on the F/V Stormy Sea.

He loved Alaska and was proud to be born and raised in the Last Frontier. If he wasn’t fishing, he was hunting. If he wasn’t hunting or fishing, he could be found in a coffee shop or diner telling stories, making new friends, or picking up where he left off with old friends. Rick was also a faithful sports fan that followed the Mariners, Seahawks, and Supersonics. During football season, you would often find Rick in front of the television loudly cheering for (or yelling at) the home team. Rick also had a sensitive side and loved rescuing animals from frogs in the middle of the road, rehabilitating crows or Steller’s Jays, and finding homes for cats and dogs he found in the middle of nowhere Alaska.

Rick was also known to be one of the strongest men anyone had met making any arduous tasks look easy. He was larger-than-life and left his impression on anyone who met him, even if it was his firm handshake.

Rick is survived by his partner in life, Nancy; his daughters Stacie and Alison; and granddaughters Olivia and Hallie.

A Celebration of Life event will be held on Sat., Nov. 9 from 1-4 pm at Anthony’s HomePort in Edmonds, Washington.

Contributions in memory of Rick and the many others who heroically battle this disease can be made to any cancer research center that speaks to you (ideas - St. Jude, Fred Hutch, Johns Hopkins).


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