One more to the local COVID-19 case count

A case of COVID-19 was identified through testing at the James A. Johnson Airport on April 1, according to a joint press release from the Petersburg Borough and the Petersburg Medical Center.

The incoming traveler is the eighth person to test positive for COVID-19 in the last seven days. According to the borough's COVID-19 Dashboard, Petersburg was reporting eight active cases of the virus as of Friday morning. The local positivity rate for COVID-19 is 3.5 percent.

"That is higher than it should be, but the hospital is not stressed right now and the school district is also weathering this little cluster very well," said Incident Commander Karl Hagerman at the COVID-19 community update on April 2.

The Emergency Operations Center is asking the public not to become complacent about COVID-19 mitigations. Masking, washing hands and maintaining a proper social distance are important measures to keep the Petersburg School District, local businesses and the borough open.


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