Police report

May 3 – An officer provided a courtesy transport to a person in need of assistance

A driver on North 12th Street was issued a warning for an inoperable headlight.

An officer spoke with a complainant.

A driver at six-mile on Mitkof Highway was issued a warning for passing in a restricted zone.

A burglar alarm activated on Mitkof Highway, the responding officer determined it was a false alarm.

Petersburg Police Department (PPD) received a complaint from a citizen concerned about odd pipes on the ground in front of a business. No criminal activity was found.

PPD received a report of a dog on the roadway near Libby Strait, the dog ran off and the responding officer was unable to locate it.

A driver on Mitkof Highway was issued a warning for speed.

PPD received a report that the stop sign at Cornelius Road and Mitkof Highway was disabled and no longer upright. Petersburg Public Works (PPW) was notified.

May 4 – PPD received a report of an attempted Publisher’s Clearing House scam.

PPD received a report of an illegally parked vehicle on North Nordic Drive. It was moved before the responding officer arrived.

An officer spoke with a complainant on Nordic Drive concerning a civil issue.

An officer assisted a citizen on North Nordic Drive.

A driver on South 4th Street was issued a warning for inoperable tail and headlights.

An officer responded to a noise complaint on South 3rd Street, but could not locate an audible disturbance.

An officer conducting an extra patrol watch secured an open door on Charles W Street.

May 5 – A driver on South 3rd Street and Haugen Drive was issued a warning for failure to maintain their lane.

A driver on Sandy Beach Road and Haugen Drive was issued a warning for failure to maintain their lane.

An officer responded to a report of suspicious activity on Birch Street.

An officer spoke with a complainant regarding a civil issue.

Found property was turned in to the PPD.

An officer responded to a report of a possible barking dog on South Nordic Drive but was unable to hear it upon arrival at the location.

Kate Thompson was issued a citation for speeding on South Nordic Drive.

PPD received a report of a person locked out of a house in the area near Odin and Unimak Streets. The responding officer patrolled the area, but was unable to locate anyone in need of assistance.

An officer served a subpoena.

An officer responded to a report of a possible gunshot at Sandy Beach Park and determined it was fireworks. A warning was issued.

A driver on Gjoa Street was issued a warning for inoperable tail lights.

A cell phone found on South 3rd Street was turned in to the PPD.

An officer responded to a report of a disturbance on South 2nd Street and trespassed an individual from a property.

May 6 – PPD received a request for a welfare check, but the individual of concern had departed before the officer arrived.

PPD received a report of an individual parking their vehicle on private property. An officer contacted the car owner and determined there was no criminal activity.

A driver near Middle Harbor was issued a warning for driving the wrong way on a one-way street.

PPD received a report of a dangerous driver at 4th and Fram Streets, but was unable to locate the offending vehicle.

An officer responded to a civil issue and it was resolved.

An officer assisted a citizen on Excel Street.

PPD received a report of an abandoned boat on Olsen Avenue.

An alarm activated at Pump Station #5. Water Wastewater W/WW was notified and responded.

An officer assisted Emergency Medical Services (EMS) helping a person that suffered a fall at Middle Harbor.

Found property was turned in to PPD.

May 7 – PPD received a report of a hit and run on North Nordic Drive.

PPD received a report of a disabled vehicle on Cornelius. It was removed the same day.

An officer assisted a citizen on Fram Street.

A driver on South Nordic Drive was issued a warning for speed.

May 8 – An officer responded to a welfare request on Hungry Point Trail and found the individual in question was okay.

A report of suspicious activity on North Nordic Drive was determined to be unfounded.

An officer assisted EMS with a stroke victim on South Nordic Drive.

An officer issued a warning to an individual who’d illegally parked by a fire hydrant and directed them to move the vehicle.

An officer responded to a noise complaint on Skylark Way.

An abandoned vehicle on the 900 block of Excel Street is to be impounded. A second vehicle was removed by its owner.

An officer responded to a noise complaint on Scow Bay Loop Road and directed the offenders to turn their music down to an acceptable level.

An officer responded to a report of suspicious activity on Mitkof Highway and after making contact determined it was a non-criminal issue.

May 9 – PPD recovered found property.

An officer responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle on the airport bypass road. The responsible party was contacted and agreed to remove it.

An officer responded to a report of a dog injured by a vehicle on Mitkof Highway and returned the dog to its owner.

PPD received a report of a deer struck by a vehicle and salvaged.

A driver in the 500 block of Haugen Drive was issued a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign.

Alaska State Troopers (AST) were notified and responded to assist with an unknown medical issue near 25-mile on Mitkof Highway.

An officer responded to a report of a dangerous driver at North 3rd and Fram Street, made contact with the driver and issued them a warning.

An officer spoke with an individual on Birch Street regarding safety concerns.

A driver on South 2nd Street was issued a warning for an inoperable headlight.

An officer assisted a citizen on South 2nd Street.


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