Capitol Christmas Tree ornament deadline moved to end of September

Alaskans still making ornaments to hang on the Capitol Christmas Tree now have a little more time. The original submission deadline of Sept. 16 has been extended two weeks to Sept. 30.

"Sept. 16 ... that was the deadline we were given about a year ago when we started planning this," said Claire Froelich, interpretation and education specialist with the U.S. Forest Service in Wrangell. "But because we are now working with Alaska Airlines, our shipping is going to take less time, so now we have until the end of the month."

The original plan had been to use the U.S. mail.

The Forest Service announced in July that the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree would come from the Wrangell Ranger District of the Tongass National Forest, only the second time an Alaska tree will light up the official spot on the Capitol lawn. The agency has called on Alaskans to create 10,000 ornaments for the big tree and multiple smaller trees that will be on display around Washington, D.C.

Workshops and crafting events were held at various locations over the summer around state, including several in Petersburg.

The next local ornament making opportunity is this Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Petersburg Public Library with MaryAnn Rainey leading a workshop on sewing and beading felt ornaments inspired by local plants and animals.

Once the ornaments are all collected, there will still be plenty for Froelich to do, as one of the main organizers of the project. Her tasks will include sorting, weatherproofing and providing tree hooks for them, both for Wrangell ornaments and when she travels to Anchorage later this month.

She'll accompany the Capitol Christmas Tree, which has already been selected by the Architect of the Capitol. The tree will go on tour across the country after it's cut down in late October. Transporting the tree from Alaska to Washington D.C. should take approximately two weeks, depending on logistics.


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